
Help! Cheek pain after dentist visit.?

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I visited the dentist on Tueday, and now its Thursday, 2 am, and, my cheek has been bothering me alot. I got two fillings done, in my perm molars, and my cheek has been having a strange kind of pain. I can't eat any kind of food that involves chewing, because it hurts and feels weird. Is this just a soreness that will go away? I've never had this before.




  1. you may have an infection get some antibiotics, from your dentist, or doctor.

  2. You may have a infection from a bad cavity that wasn't cleaned out properly or dirty instruments.

    Call and get a prescription or a free revisit if they left you this way unless an abscess is forming back to a infection don't let it  go it can get much worse. good luck.

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