We just bought a 10 week old Chihuahua puppy 2 days ago, and I'm very concerned about him. He hasn't eaten a thing since we got him, nor has he really drank any water either. He has been vomiting since day one and yesterday and this morning he has had jelly-like diahrrea. He has also had about 4-5 hypoglycemic attacks. The breeder says it's normal and he's just stressed and that he will get better in a few days, but in my own opinion, he's getting worse. He keeps hiding now too, but before he would sleep in his bed. This morning, his hypoglycemic attack was so bad that he couldn't stand to go poo, he just layed there with his paws out at his side. I have an appointment with the vet today, but just wanted to know if anyone else with Chihuahuas has ever had the same experience. I've been giving him Nutri-Cal since he's not eating and Unflavored Pedialyte since he's not drinking and also Karo Syrup for the Hypoglycemia, as this was what I was told to do by the breeder. Please, any advice would be appreciated.