
Help!! Child ENJOYS wetting bed! What to do! How do I make him understand wetting the bed is bad?

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Help!! Child ENJOYS wetting bed! What to do! How do I make him understand wetting the bed is bad?




  1. Sounds like you need some new strategoes. I found a great book that helped me with my kids. They were difficult too. You can find more about it on my website:

    Good luck!

  2. Positive reinforcement when he does not wet. You don't really give enough info to help..what is the age of the child? Is there a medical reason? Has he seen a Dr., etc. Sorry I can't help more, just positive reinforcement when there is no wetting.

  3. Make the child change their own bedding in the morning. Teach them how to run it through the washing machine and hang it out to dry and re make the bed all by themselves. Then maybe it wont be so fun anymore.

    Are you positive they are doing it on purpose. Bed wetting is sooo common even in older children.

  4. He is going to bed in a dry bed and wetting it during the night right?

    One night before he goes to bed.  Take some water and pour it on his dry bed. Make him think it is his pee from the night before that he is going to have to sleep in. Going to bed in a wet cold bed will not be very appealing to him. Tell him if he is going to pee in the bed at night , then he is going to have to go to bed in that cold pee the next night  and wear the cold pee soaked pajamas and underwear from that night too. (Use clean wet from water pajamas and underwear).

    It is harsh , but he will understand that it's not acceptable to wet the bed at night on purpose. If he knows he has to go to the bathroom , he needs to get up and go in the bathroom and then go back to bed.

    Tell him that you know accidents happen sometimes and it's not his fault , but that doing it just because he likes to do it  means he will have to learn to like going to sleep in a cold wet bed or learn to get up and use the bathroom like a big boy.

    If he makes it through the night celebrate the event and give him positive reinforcement to show him how proud you are of him.

    If he wets again, make sure it wasn't an accident because if he is really trying and still has this problem, then punishing him for an accident is not going to help him and can actually make things worse because it affects his self esteem.

    If he continues, then you have to set a schedule for him and yourself for you to wake up every couple hours and wake him up and make him go to the bathroom and pee or try to pee, then put him to bed again and repeat in another couple hours.

    Do this for a couple of weeks. If the accidents and or on purpose wetting stops in that time cut back to every 4 hours that should be once in the middle of the night for a couple of weeks and it should help him to adjust to getting up when he has to go.

    Lots of positive reinforcement when he makes it through the night  will give him confidence and make him feel proud of what he can do like a big boy.

    There will still be occasional accidents , but don't let that upset you or him. Just tell him to try his best and you will be proud of him and accidents even happen to big boys sometimes.

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