
Help! Cockroach problem?

by  |  earlier

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e are an extremely clean family, and we live in a duplex. We never had a problem until the neighbors next door in the duplex invited their brother to live with them and ever since then, they had cockroaches. Wasn't a problem until the little f*uckers are starting to come through the walls over here. I think there's more than one around, but I saw a small one last night in the kitchen. I tried to squish it but the little bugger moved way too fast and before I could grab something to trap it in it had gone into the door hinge or something.

My mom's going out to buy sprays and those little roach motels or whatever they're called things, and we're going to set them all up tonight and have the spray at ready. I'm so freaked. ;-; And if it gets bad, we can't afford an exterminator.




  1. First of all if there's one there's more!!!

    Second, unless you and the neighbors are treating the problem it isn't going to work.  Cause they will just keep breeding next door then they will just keep making their way over to you.

  2. do you rent or own?

    if you rent i would tell your landlord so he can deal w. the pest and the neighb. otherwise try using the raid roach bombs. You set them up before wrk/school, and leave for 5-6 hrs....pretty effective.

  3. use borax powder and mix it with sugar so the cockroaches would think its sweet but soon they'll die

  4. do you rent this duplex if so contact the landlord have them exterminate the place as long as there is a problem next door you will also have the problem

  5. In the short term you can buy some kind of trap for them (these are generally adhesive packages which attract the cockroaches and cause them to get stuck on the sticky surface. You should be able to get them from some kind of pet shop. It's not a long term solution but it should reduce the numbers until you have the sufficient funds to pay for an exterminator.

    Hope it helps.

  6. The only way to sucessfully get rid of cockroaches when you live in a duplex is to have both units professionally exterminated at the same time otherwise they just move back from the side that wasn't exterminated. I've had roaches and they are not easily gotten rid of.without professional help.If you rent maybe the owner will pay the costs..better if he ownes both duplexes..doing one side is not going to help.

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