
Help Coons are In My Garden!?

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I Have coons eating my veggies out of my garden. My garden is small and they are eating everything that grows. Does any one have any ideas on how to get rid of them. I tried a trap but they are pretty smart.




  1. Fence is the best answer.  

    Or sleep out in a sleeping bag and make noises when they come.  

    Or a big dog on a chain that is near enough the plants but unable to get in the garden to dig.

    Or like the first guy says, a weapon.  Last resort though.  Your local cops will be mad@@!!

  2. Sorry I have no clue we don't have coons in my area.........and my garden is fenced in........

  3. 22



    22 Hornet

    22 Magnum

    357 Magnum

    7mm Magnum

    44 Magnum






    12 Guage


    Any of the above, when properly applied, will rid you of the problem.

  4. coons are the top opportunists. they have your number now ,you cannot win this battle.

    like the first guy have to off'em ,you have supplied them with a free lunch.

    that said , the electric fence MAY work.( they are smarter than the fence though)

    if you can't or won't put some rounds in them , what works here in N Mich. is " give them something else to occupy themselves with.

    it works with deer and turkey , give them something they like  away from your goodies.

    fish food is something coons can't resist.

  5. electric fence with low wires (at least two) all the way around garden also spray roundup weed killer to keep grass from growing under fence I did this for my corn sometime id see a wire twisted id have to fix and a streak of racoon p**p leading away from it-- hahaha

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