
Help! Demon crow sits in tree and squawks all day long!?

by  |  earlier

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Please help I have tried spraying with water, yelling shoo, paintballs and just staring him down... it will not leave when my cat goes outside it sits in the tree and squawks at the top of it's lungs. I can't take another 8 hours of this. I bring the cat in but I can't keep him in all day. It still hollers with cat in but not like it does when he is out. Help!




  1. It is apparent you have no respect for animal life on this planet.  Letting a cat roam outside is poor ownership there a so many things that can happen to  a cat outdoors from injury to infection to death.

    The fact that you think you own the trees outside and feel the need to control the animal life out there furthers the fact that you have no respect for other forms of life.

    Get a grip on yourself and try doing something else besides sitting around the house all day where you can here the crow. It's not as though it is causing damage to your home and needs removal.    Maybe if you were busy doing something productive you wouldn't be so worried about a crow making noise in a tree.  

    Please consider reading this article:

  2.  ;)

    I'm Native American and no one loves nature more than I do.  Shooting one crow is not like you went out and blasted away at flocks of them, however, if they were in my cornfield and shooing them didn't chase them away, by damms I'd shoot 'em.  I'm part of nature...I'm a part of this earth, this universe and I have the right to live and survive without constant aggravation by ONE dang crow. I think you probably feel the same go at it. POW!!

  3. get a scare crow!!!

  4. You don't have many options. I would go to Wal-Mart and buy a BB-Gun or Pellet gun. I think its your only real remedy.

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