
Help Discipline my 4 year old little girl?

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I am in need of help with my 4 year old little girl.I am a mother of 4 - 8,4,2,1 ..I do work from home & also a stay at home mom..she does go to Pre-school 3 days a week & is a complete angel when at school, she loves going to school & loves learning.. I am beyond to figure out what more I can do, punishment, spanking, taking things away, times outs, just dont seem to be working. when my husand disciplines she listens, me on the other hand she laughs at me, tells me no, whining, very cruel words come out of her mouth, its so bad i just dont know what more I can do, my husband tells me to find a solution, my other 3 are pretty good listeners. the other day she said & did pretty nasty things & all I did was look at her & start crying because my words dont mean anything anymore & I can really use some advice, i was thinking of just a weekend for me and her, but I just dont know it that will work. Help, please answer with advice and not horrible words..

god bless




  1. Read parenting with love and logic-it will give you great ideas-I promise-you can buy it from used for cheap. Also have dad talk to her about listening to mommy-you didn't say if she was your only girl which if she is its typical of little girls to be harder as they are usually more out spoken, throw bigger tantrums yada yada. If all else fails take her to a behaviorist to make sure there isn't an underlying condition as many forms of tourettes ect can be very mild in nature too. Good luck, I am pulling for you !

    P.S. one punishment I used was to stand them up against a wall and stand behind them so they really can't move and they stand at the wall 1 min for every year-if she fights it she stays longer but only until she calms down. Make sure she is close enough to the wall that her nose almost touches and you stand directly behind her so she can feel your legs on her backside. While they are there against the wall remind them why they are there and use the time to discuss the behavior. Be consistent using the wall and it won't be but a week and she will get that misbehavior=wall.

  2. try the time out method:

    * the first time she acts up, give her a warning.

    * the next time she acts up, put her in time out

    * the first time she gets up, look her in the eye and set her back in timeout.

    * when she gets up out of timeout after that, don't look at her and don't say anything.

    * keep putting her in time-out until she stays for 4 minutes (one minute for every year of her age)

    * once she stays in timeout for the full 4 minutes, explain to her why you put her in time-out and have her apologize to you and give you a hug and kiss. (don't forget to tell her that you love her)

    This may take several attempts and several hours to happen, just be consistent and don't give in. you can do it!

    Good Luck!

  3. You should try spanking her.  If, as you say, she "laughs" at you then you are not spanking her soundly enough.  Spank her more times and much harder and make it very clear to her that you are only doing so because of her behavior and that you don't want to spank her but she hasn't given you a choice.

    If she laughs at you or misbehaves in some other way again, don't put up with it, just resume the spanking until she stops.  Be consistent with this and let her know that this is her punishment whenever she misbehaves in this way.  If you are consistent enough she will stop.  Good luck!

  4. This isnt gona help you at all, but Im in the same boat you are if you figure something out LET ME KNOW!

    My daughter is evil! She will smile when you yell at her. I wont hit my kids. I will put her in the corner....DONT send her to her room where there are toys. If she plays in the corner I make her put her hands up on the wall or behind her back.and the other thing I am trying now is to just have her sit on the couch facing me so she cant watch tv, but I am out of options. Yelling didnt work because she will just shut down-sitting on the couch doesnt seem to be working because she tries to slip away-the corner seems to be the only thing that works! ...a little - remember you can only keep them in there for 1 minute per year of age. 4=4minutes.

    Sorry! Good luck!

  5. where there is the simple solution of a good ol' spanking!

  6. Don't yell don't smack just send her to her room for ten minutes every time she plays up - if you don't change your focus to her when she carries on and instead she is alone in her room she might just start to look for a way for you to listen to her needs without being trouble , like being nice and asking politely - if she is too good at school and really bad at home they have a name for this syndrome now I just can't recall what it is it is a newish one but you are not alone with it.

  7. She could see you as weak, you need to show her you aren't so crying in front of her will make her act worse not better. Also my daughter did similar things and it was because she was very bored at pre-school, your daughter might need more educational stimulation. Go to your local stationary/bookshop they could have learning materials she can use at home or on the computer, like learning her abc's etc. I know sounds simple but I was shocked when it worked with my daughter.

    My daughter is now 5 and reading and writing, very clever girl but bored easily.

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