
Help! Do I have.....?

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Do I have pink eye? This morning I woke up and my right eye hurt really bad, but my left eye didn't hurt at all. And right now it hurts on and off..... and around the bottom of my eye its a little bit not that much but a little bit puffy and red. And when I blink it hurts a little bit. So help me! Do I have the early symptoms of pink eye? And if not, do you know what it is? And should I go see the doctor?




  1. It does sound like pink eye and more than likely it will be worse when you wake up tomorrow.  See your Optometrist tomorrow if you're still having problems.  Be sure to WASH YOUR HANDS ALOT!   It's very contagious and will spread like wildfire.  Lysol your door handles and light switches.

  2. it is either pink eye or a chalazion. A chalazion is a form of abscessss. it is when the hair follicles becomes clogged with oils and debris. Either way you should see an ophthalmologist (medical Dr) rather than optometrist (vision Dr).  

  3. I wouldn't chance anything.

    Pink eye spreads REALLY FAST

    Just go to the doctor get a pink eye test.
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