
Help? Does any one understand?

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My daughter (who is 5months today) has been sick almost since birth! We were told acid reflex and so we switched her to enfamil ar and zantac and she was still sick all the time throwing up and throwing up and not gaining any weight and was not sleeping much crying in pain 24/7. Her doc kept saying she was fine so we switched to a new doctor. She thinks she has a milk allergy so she switched her to Alimentum similac and prilosec but she couldn't take the prilosec the new formula helped a lot but she still gets a belly ache and the only way to calm her down is to hold her on her belly. but i cant take her crying in pain all the time, and my arms are going to fall off and It breaks my heart to see her in pain. I have been on the phone everyday with the doctors and it just feels like they don't understand...does ANY one out there understand? been through it? Right now since changing the formula she almost throws up but it hurts to she holds her breath and turns bright red and will do it a few times in a row and it scares me.we have added the cereal and we have tried to hold her on our lap and burp her and you can just see in her face how much pain she is in. :( and thanks again for all your help it means a lot. Its a hard thing to deal with and i just want to make sure i get the right help for her. I have tied the er i have seen different doctors.

and also there was blood in her p**p. the new doc checked that right when we switched so i have no idea what that means but i know its not good so if any one knows what that means it would help thank you!




  1. The blood in the stool can indicate a milk protein allergy, that is the reason she switched you to Alimentum.

    She is crying in pain from the reflux, all the acid coming back in her throat is burning and hurting her, causing the "almost throwing up"

    If the Prilosec didn't work, you need to get another medication that will help with the acid.  Her poor tummy and esophagus is probably inflamed from the acid, and you need a medication to help that.

    Ask your doctor for another reflux medication, there are many out there.  Also, ask for a referral to a pediatric GI doctor, they have much more experience with this problem than a general doctor.

    Good luck, I understand how frustrating it can be.  

  2. Im sorry i have no idea but try other docs take wishes

  3. Blood in stool can be anything from straining  to have a bowel movement, baterica or lactose intolerant.  Have you tried soy milk, my son was going through this and we tried every milk possilbe lastly we switched to soy and then everything  was much better.  You have to be persistent with doctors they are so quick to brush you off, its hard to explain what is happening to your doctor so I video taped my son and showed my doctor and he immediately told me to try soy milk.

    Hope it works out for you sorry your little girl is in pain...good luck. Also, I went to a nutritionist who told me doctors are very quick to give baby's alimentum; these milk should only be a last resort because they basically go right through the baby's system will very little digestion from her body, basically her system is not really working hard to digest so basically it a quick fix, but problem is not solved.

  4. better go for a scanning of her intestine . check with ur doctor if it is needed.

  5. well blood in the p**p suggest either constipation or allergy. She may be having some problem with something in the house. Do you have dogs or cats? Is there alot of dust? Try a different soy formula because she may just not be agreeing with that one. also feel her tummy and if its really tight then its just gas which is very common but not usually in 5 months old but it is still possible. Im sorry i cant really tell you whats wrong just make suggestions about what could possibly be wrong. I wish you the best. If you would like to email me at feel free. I have an extremely good doctor who has been doing this for over 40 years. I could call her if you would like or i can give you her number and you can call her for a 3rd opinion in this case lol. I know this is very hard my son was having many problems himself not eating and crying out in pain. Its hard for us as mothers not to know whats wrong and not be able to help them.

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