
Help!!! Emergency!!! I have pictures in two days and I have like really bad acne right now. What should i do?

by  |  earlier

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Pictures for high school are in two days and I have all these little red spots and picked at spots on my face. Can I get rid of them in time... or do I have to slather foundation all over my face? Help!!!!




  1. In such short time i hate to say it but the only thing you can do is cover them up with concealer then add foundation and powder but as close to your own skin tone as possible or you'll look like a Oompa-Loompa lol...

    But please take care afterwards , this is only an emergency measure.

    Good luck and remember to smile a pretty smile is more important than your facial condition right now .

  2. I used proactive and it cleared the big pimples in 2 days.

  3. Bye Bye Blemish drying lotion is really effective and it starts working overnight. also cleansing in the morning and at night will also help. you may want to use witches hazel too. it kills the bacteria and cleanses your skin. this is what i do and my skin is clearing up. good luck!!

  4. try applying rubbing alcohol like crazy over your face with a cotton ball. every time the alcohol dries up, quick! put on some more!!

    good luck! my sophomore pics are in 2 days too!!!

  5. OMG dont take those amatures advice!! Haha, first off proactive doesn't work for everyones skin type because of the benzyol peroxide, it can just irratate acne further. Don't use any products containing benzyol peroxide or sasyllic acid. Right now, go wash your face with a regular cleanser or soap and mix in salt it will clean your face and GENTLY exfoliate it to remove dead skin. Then apply Tea Tree Oil where it is red and irratated. Pat your face dry and relax for a while. Make sure if you have bangs or hair in your face that its all pinned back because the oils in your hair can irritate your skin further.

    Tomorrow morning wash your face once again with regular cleanser but instead of salt this time use sugar, and a tsp of honey. This will deeply cleanse your skin without drying it out and making it flaky. Then once again apply Tea Tree Oil & pat dry. If on the day of your picture you DO decide to apply concealer use your middle finger to do it and pat it on your middle finger has the least amount of oil on it. Goodluck!!

  6. Use Neutrogena Rapid Clear. I heard it works and clears by the next day. I use Oil-Free Acne Wash by Neutrogena but it takes longer, but works beautifully!  

  7. 1. don't freak! high stress causes more pimples

    2. wash your face with a mild cleanser and warm water

    3. rinse with cool water

    4. ex foliate


    6. moisturize

    7. if that fails use some cover up, foundation, and translucent powder

       - use a acne medication

       - wait 3-5 minutes for it to dry

       - apply concealer with you pinky on and around the pimple/s

       - use foundation

       - puff a little bit of translucent powder over your face to seal in the makeup and take away oily shine.

    * or you could give up and see a dermatologist to have them injected. after that they usually go away after 1-2 days.

  8. 1) Cook oatmeal and apply on face for fifteen minutes and wash.

    2) Make a warm bath with blanch of nettle and rosemary.

    3) Apply equal amount of lemon juice and rose water with a cotton ball and wash it after haif an hour for 15 to 20 days.

    For dozens of more ways, prevention, types and reasons check

  9. DO NOT slasher foundation all over your face and stop picking the spots ! For the open picked spots on your face buy some Polysporin cream and apply it at night or get some Garnier SOS Acne Pen. I doubt the spots will be gone in 2 days. You will probably have to conceal them with a concealer.  

  10. proactive... they might sell it at the mall... the refining mask is all you'll need. i love that thing it works miracles. i use it when i get those huge could be another head trying to grow out of my face pimples and the next day its gone.

  11. Tips...

    1. Exfoliate your face before you go to bed tonight, this way you can get rid of all the dead skin that may be clogging your pores.

    2. Wash your face when you wake up in the morning and when you go to bed in the evening.

    3. Wash your face an extra time after you get back from a sport or a hobby that makes you work.

    4. Put an acne spot treatment on your face before you go to bed EVERY night no matter what. This will hlep the most.

    5. Stop picking at your face! Everytime you touch your face the oils from your hands will go onto your face therefore causing more acne. Don't touch your face unless you absolutely have to.

    Hope this helps. Good luck with your pictures!

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