
Help! Eyes are Blurry, Red, & Can't wear my contacts?

by  |  earlier

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For the past two weeks(this occurred the day I put new contacts in) my eyes have been bloodshot, slightly burning and I can't wear my contacts because they are soo blurry when I put them in. I've been to the opthomalogist who said that there is nothing wrong with the health of my eyes. I've tried different solutions, not wearing eye makeup, etc etc. Nothing is helping and it's been over two weeks. I'm getting so frustrated. When I wear my glasses, I have no bluriness, but my blood vessels are extremely enlarged and have slight redness and red halo's around my color part of my eye (not sure of technical term)

Thanks for any help!




  1. You are allergic to this contact lens material or you now have dry eyes so I suggest you stop wearing contacts for a while and use artificial tears eyedrops as frequentlyas possible

  2. Did u make sure u don't have an eye infection?? Or Pink eye?? I wear contacts too. Sometimes when my eyes get that and i have had pink eye. Or sometimes it could be from allergies. I would go get another second opinon. Eyes are your eyes and if u lose them that would be bad.. That is one thing that I would not mess with.. I have extremly bad eye sight.  And I always have to be careful .. So I hope this helps u.

  3. Your eyes obviously can't cope with the contact lenses.

    I've experienced something similar lately but I doubt it's my contacts as I haven't worn them for a week.

    Your eyes may also be short of oxygen as contacts reduce the amount of oxygen reaching them. If you just started on contacts, it is essential you wear them for 4 hours the first day then adding another 2 hours everyday to train your eyes about getting used to them.

    It is just too much for your eyes if you wear them all day long from the start.

    I hope this helps and I suggest you go back to your optometrist for a more thorough check as many conditions display the same symptoms.

    Good luck.

  4. Are these contacts simply a new pair (you having not had problems in the past with these kind of lenses) or are they a brand new lens you've been provided with?

    Assuming they are brand new lenses you haven't tried before, it could be that you are allergic to the lens material - some just don't get on with certain people's eyes. It could alternatively be that your lenses don't allow much oxygen to your eyes - i had soflens 66's, which don't allow much oxygen to my eyes, and i had dramatically bloodshot eyes. Now, with my acuvue advances, which have a far higher transmission of oxygen, my eyes are far whiter. So its worth checking up on the oxygen transmission of your lenses.

    A slight burning sensation is most likely caused either by your solution (though you do say you've changed this) - if you've changed to another solution that still uses preservatives, this could be the problem. I suggest opti-free, which has no preservatives. If you still suffer from a burning sensation, its likely that you have mildly dry eyes.. I get this burning sensation as i also suffer from this - i just make sure i have a small bottle of eye drops on hand, or, alternatively, you can put a bit of contact solution in your eyes to re-wet the lenses. Eye drops for dry eyes would be the best bet though.

    You say your lenses are blurry so that you can't see - this isn't right. You should have vision as good, or better than your glasses in contact lenses. It might be that your prescription needs a tweak, or it might be that the lenses are slipping on your cornea (the coloured part of your eye), and that they need to be re-fit.

    Whatever your optician says, you don't have to settle for problems like these - make sure you inform them of all of these problems, and perhaps try a new pair of lenses. Nowadays, opticians have a wide range for people to try..

    Hope this helps!

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