
Help!? First Day of High School?

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i am going into high school and i have only been in the school once any body no any good tips on how to remember where my classes are?




  1. you'll remeber

  2. write it down. memorize it. memorize the path you take to get from class to class. walk with a friend who has the same classes. follow someone who is in your next class. leave class early to look for your next one. and lastly, ask a teacher.  

  3. FRESHMAN!!! hahaha dont act like youre all tough, cuz nobody will give a c**p, if you fail at things its not cuz your funny people laugh at your ignorance. So be yourself. work hard.

  4. The School should have mailed you a schedule so you can locate your classes and know what time they start.

  5. after like day 2 or 3 u already hav them memorized

    also i think u could go to the office and get a map. a lot of high schools hav em.

    on the map highlight ur classes, and put a x where ur locker is, and if theres like a open area or a statue lable that on ur map.

    good luck. and dont be nervous about finding classes or anything. its not that dificult. i really thought it would be but it wasnt. ull be fine. just do ur work and be urself


  6. keep ur schedule in your pocket and if u get lost ask ur teachers or a classmate they will help.

  7. The perfect way to remember where your classes are...

    Don't go to break, study where your next class is or you might get lost. Trust me this happened to me loads of times. The high school should give you a map to tell you where your classes are. Do not panic though, the worst thing you could do.

  8. Carry your schedule around OR a map of the school and then with a marker write which period is which.

  9. take a map if they have one and study it and your classes carefully, and map out a route to take. it will make your first week a lot easier.

  10. usually the schedule you get will have room numbers on it so you can just match the number on the paper with the number beside the door and TADA! theres your class! after about 4 days of going the same way to get to these classes, you probably wont need the map anymore its just like when you learned to walk, you did it a couple times, and now you can do it without even thinking about it

    Have fun in high school

    it's so much more fun than middle school!

    be excited and confident on the first day and it will help the day go a lot faster!!!

  11. carry your schedule of classes around with you until you remember where you are going.. took me almost 2 weeks the first time i went to high school to remember every place.. IM IN 10th NOW! WOOT!

  12. dw its easy i was like this at first trust me ull get used to it ull be walking round places with your eyes shut in a couple off weeks soo easy 2 remember trust me not as big as you think!  

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