
Help!!!!!!!!!! First True Answer gets ten points!!!!!!!!!!?

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a week ago i was about to take a right and there were three cars in front of me so i slowed down and a lady came speeding real fast behind me and didn't even try to hit her brakes and came crashing in to me she had no driver's license and it was not her car and she was just nineteen she is now blaming me that it is my fault





  1. hers: no matter how you slice it.   unless she is able to prove that you back up into her while trying to turn ( which doesn't make sense).  she is at fault because you were rare ended. she is the one who has the controll to give herself the distant between you and her and she didnt do it.

  2. hers, she rear ended you, anytime that happens its the person who rear ends fault.

  3. I am not sure how you actually know that she did not even try to apply her brakes, but that does not matter.  If you were stopped, and she rearended you, how are you at fault for this accident?   Refer the matter to your insurance company, and they will likely promptly send her, or the owner, a denial letter.

  4. any person rear ending is at fault

    sorry but she is not covered by insurance  as she does not have a licence

    if I were you I would let your insurance sort it out for you

    That is what you pay them for  .They will then go after her for the cash for your repairs

  5. This is pretty much a open and shut case.   It is her fault.   Anyone that hits you from behind is automatically at fault.  You need to notify your insurance right away.   They will then request a police report and when they look at it,  they will see where she was given the ticket,  I would hope she was ticketed for following too closely or failure to reduce speed and driving without a license.  Chances are that she is going to have to appear in court.   Now as far as the vehicle damage,  the owner of the other vehicle's insurance will have to pay for the damage to your car, and the coverage may be cancelled by the insurance company because it was being driven by a non licensed driver.   If they are lucky enough not to get cancelled,  their premium will skyrocket because of this matter because a non licensed driver had access to the vehicle.

  6. Her fault for sure. Anyone who bumps into your rear is to blame. The fact she has no licence lends fact to the matter. She should not have been driving.

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