
Help... Five year old son...?

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He's going through "precocious puberty". The doctor hasn't said much except to expect the same changes just earlier. What can I do? What if he starts looking at p**n? What if he starts getting attracted to the girls in kindergarten and further? I don't want my son to become something of a pedophile in a manner... Help, what do I do?




  1. there shouldnt be any worry about your child looking at p**n i think he is to young to even know about it and he might still belive in cooties but do not say girls have cooties or that girls are bad because then he might get intrested into guys but if you want to make sure he is not looking at anything once you drop him off at school check under his bed or drawers if you really think it is necicary but otherwise i dont think you have to worry about him looking at p**n because he is more tempted to look at p**n around his teen years

  2. You wanna hear something? My 5 year old son is proud to say he has 2 girlfriends. The first day of Pre-K, he punched another kid in his head because the other kid said: "She's not your girlfriend, she's my girlfriend". It's natural. I'm not worried about it. At least we know our sons aren't going to be g*y, right. There's nothing wrong with being g*y, as long as my son stays straight. As for pedifile, I don't think you have to worry about it right now. Kids become interested, some earlier than others.

    But you need to sit him down and tell him right from wrong, maybe even a little about s*x or the opposite s*x anyway.

    Good luck and I wish us both not to be grandparents in the next couple years :)

  3. I would like to know how a 5th grader has a 5 year old son.  What's the deal?  In your other question you pose as a 5th grader.  How can you expect serious answers when you lie to the community?

    To answer your question, don't do anything.  Because I don't believe you're telling the truth.  Stop wasting everyone's time here.

    Here's the question where he says he's a 5th grader.;...

  4. " Help, what do I do?"  DUH, be a parent.  Doesn't matter what age he is when he goes through pubert (as if I really believed this pile of c**p to begin with), IF you are a parent then you behave as a parent no matter how old the child or WHAT they are going through.  Parenting doesn't end when the child reaches puberty.

  5. My son had a girlfriend when he was three(KG-1 class at the school I taught at), and then lost interest in girls completely. He's now five, and the only girls he's interested in spending time with are his baby sister and his mom!

  6. I think you are being silly. Boys through stages regarding girls. One moment they like girls....the next they do not. When boys like girls at an early age like 5 yrs is usually very sweet with nothing sexual involved. So, just relax and start teaching him how to respect girls like opening the doors for them and allowing them to go first.

  7. Well, I had sort of a "precocious puberty" myself. I remember when I was four or five, I took my mother's Victoria's Secret magazine and read it in my room all the time (yes, I was five). I am not however, any more perverted than people around me today, and I don't think you should be afraid of your son getting attracted to kindergarteners either. I looked at the magazines mainly because of "features" only adult women had; I didn't think anything of the girls in my kindergarten class :)

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