My 6 year old is completely frustrating me at the moment.
She is bringing her reader home from school and although I KNOW she knows her alphabet, the sounds of letters and a few easy words she is playing dumb.
I try to be patient and drop hints but after about 15 minutes of me telling her the answer, and then asking her to repeat it, and her just staring blankly at me and PURPOSEFULLY (and yes, it is purposeful because she gives me this "what you gonna do about it" look as she says it) saying the wrong thing, I start to get extremely frustrated.
To make my point I'll give you an example - the word is CAT
Me: this says "cat". What does it say?
Her: Dog
Me: C'mon now. Listen please. "cat". C - A- T (sound out the letters with the sound they make) spells "cat". What does it say?
Her: - stares at page. Looks at me, stares at page, looks at me - "don't know".
Me: See the picture? What's that in the picture?
Her: a cat
... to be continued in added details