
Help Getting Pet Rats..

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My Sister And I Are Looking Into Getting Two Pet Rats, And Were Wondering Whether It Was Better To Get Two Female Rats Together, Or Two Male Rats?

I Have Had A Rat Before, But Never Had Two.

Any Weblinks Or Advice Would Be A Real Help!





  1. I think you should buy both of them cause they are cool

    is not about if you are a girl you

    need to buy female and if you are a boy you need to buy a male rat

  2. I had a big cage with 3 rats in it a lot of years ago. They all got along pretty well. Occasionally they would gang up on each other and wrestle. Nothing more than a few little cuts on them. The first one I got was really loving and would follow me around the house. I wouldn't even have to watch him. 2 Male Rats would be a good choice.

  3. Get Two Females Because If You Get Two Males They Will Fight Over Attention, It Happened With My Bunnies!

  4. get 2 males there a lot calmer and not as aggressive as females  

  5. I own two female rats in the same cage, and they get along perfectly fine. But, from some other answers, putting 2 males in the same cage are also great.

    Good luck!

  6. I own 2 male rats and getting one more today.

    the 2 males get along really well!

    oh and here is a link about rats:

  7. i have 2 males and they are so sweet. many people say they smell more than females, yes it is true but only if you dont clean them out enough. i never notice the smell of them.  

  8. My housemate has two male rats, but I have three female rats.  It all depends on what type of rat you want.  Male rats tend to be lazier and like to be petted and held more where as female rats are quicker and more inquisitive.  

    If you get them at the same time from the same litter they shouldn't fight so it's up to you.  I like my females as they are more adventurous but my housemates boys are so cute when they curl up on my lap! I've found this website interesting and helpful

    Good luck!

  9. I have had 2 pet rats before.  It is actually harder to get female rats from pet stores because they are used for breeding.  So you usually will end up with 2 males regardless.

    When I tried to breed mice, it was like pulling teeth to get the pet store to sell me a female mouse.  They keep the female mice and rats to breed feeders for snakes and lizards.

    My males were perfectly sweet.

  10. Two females but if you get a male and female you will have a lot of fun re-homing rats!

  11. Get 2 male rats.

    Female rats are very aggressive and territorial, males are more laid back.

    But make sure they are actually 2 males.

    I once bought two, thinking they were both males. Turns out one was female, and we ended up with about 30 baby rats.

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