
Help! Girls make me uncomfertable?

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Im a teenaged girl, 17, and when Im in pulic I get very uncomfertable around other girls, I mean the preppy/sl*tty b*tches. The thing is Im very conservative, I dress like Hilary Duff, Miley Cyrus, etc and I try to just be myself and I have a good fashion taste but not like those preppy sl*ts. I know Im hot, Ive been told that Im good looking and should be a model but I am very nice and really shy and quiet, not loud and obnoxious like these girls. The problem is anywhere I see them, they alwaysss tend to give me dirty looks all the time and stare at me and I can tell when they are whispering negativity about me, even though they dont know me! I feel like I cant be myself around these girls and I avoid going to clothing stores I like when I see these types of girls. I dont know if they actually do all gossip about me and hate me right away or if its just all in my head because of past expreiences? Please help me! How do I be calm and be myself around other girls and be comfertable?




  1. ya im sure your "hot" o and learn to spell

  2. You're already being yourself as it is. Realize the same way you're uncomfortable with preppy and "S****y" people, it's probably the same vice versa. Avoid thoughts like that because you're just being a hypocrite. But, do not avoid places you want to go because you can't run forever. Instead, ignore them and know that envy is everywhere in society. Don't get rattled by people you think are talking about you or giving you dirty looks because they're the ignorant ones, not you.

  3. They are just jealous of you. Ignore it and try to be friendly.

  4. First of all, you continue to spell comfortable (wrong- comfertable). You are all stressed out over girls you dont even know. Whats the problem. You have created this big "nothing" over whats in your head. Why should it matter what someone you dont even know say about you , let alone what they MIGHT be thinking of you, bother you. You have to stick to YOU. Cause if you know your a good person, s***w what anybody else thinks. People that accept you for you are your real friends.  Those kind of people you described, are just not the positive feed back you need.  Now that has to make sense huh. Look how they have made you feel. Not good huh....

  5. you are a girl,so whats the problem!?


  7. Being different will always bring attention, both good and bad.  At that age, usually you will get more of the bad if they are jealous.  Don't worry... be yourself.

  8. well, there probably ugly but they get more attention because they dress S****y and their loud and obnoxious.

    Just ignore then and stick with your friends. If these girls whisper and gossip to their friends about other girls, then their not real friends. If someone whispers to me about another girl, then i know that she whispers to other girls about me.

    They have no real beauty and they know that.

  9. Just ignore them, they are inferior, all you have to do is concentrate on yourself and ignore all others

  10. your story is stupid and i don't really care about it.

    there are more important things to worry about... jesus.

  11. Those girls are acting like 11 year olds, and it is good that you don't dress like them. They are probably just jealous!!

    Ignore them and shop ware you want to shop. You sound like the better person anyway!

  12. It's probably your poor spelling and logic... that is making you "un-comfertable".

  13. you  sound stuck up.

    your calling people you don't know sl*ts.  

    counseling may help.

  14. just think of your self as the hot girl thats gona be somthin in life........and  ignore  the other s***s out there

  15. Ignore them and they'll leave you alone.

  16. don't let stupid sl*ts f**k your life up it not there fault there stupid

  17. Simply stop caring what they think. It's not like you'll see them again right? You're not in the position to feel bad. They should feel bad for being such shallow jerks to judge you by how you look or dress.

  18. Dont let them bother you.

    if they talk about you and look

    at you bad. tell them to f*ck off

    because theres no reason to make

    fun of no one.  There

    probably jealous.

  19. some people may think you sound egotistical but i understand completely.  It is so hard when you dont want to hang out with the preppy people but people think you should because of the way you dress, etc.  Thats why they dont like you- because you are defying the social structure!  You are cute and good looking yet you do not follow after them!  So here is what you should do:  DO NOT avoid them or avoid places they go.  What you need to do is gain their respect- show you can be independent.  It takes a lot of courage to go against that social structure.  It's hard when you feel like they are constantly talking about you- which they may be, but you have to try to not be afraid of them.  if you think someone is talking about you- pull your shoulders back and look them straight in the eyes, i guarantee they'll back off. seem like the kind of person who is sophisticated instead of immature and stupid like most of the people in high school.  So keep your head about you and stay confident.  The fact that you are not following after them puts you on a higher level than they are- thats what you should reach for- that higher level.  Good Luck !

  20. they are prolly just jelous cause you look better than they do.... so they look @ the negetive things.

    dont worry they are just shallow.

  21. We have a lot of things in common cuz in feel awkward with preppy girls there b*****s. Well just ignore then it all in your head 4 the most part. Their probably to busy worring about how their looks unless they like your style

  22. Stay away from the little tramps!

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