
Help... (Girls only.)?

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I have a bra size 36 A and im going into 8th grade. is there any way to make my b*****s bigger?




  1. you're still really young!

    they'll grow. you don't need them big now anyway

    i'm sure you don't have the smallest b***s in your class

  2. ur self absorbs

  3. Yeah, baby, don't worry!! :):) they'll grow :)  

  4. im going into 8th grade and i wear a size 32aa....ur b***s are big enough

  5. you can't actually make them grow any faster, but you can make them appear bigger !

    go bra shopping and check out all different kinds of bras, especially push up bras and padded bras. they'll work wonders [:

  6. You've got to be kidding. I'm in 10th grade and not even a size 34A. Trust me, yours will grow when your body is ready.
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