
Help!!!! Goldfish head injury! Scales almost falling off.?

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I was cleaning tank and my goldfish jumped from the net into the spare bucket and he hit his head.Now the scales on his forehead are torn. They are still attached to his forehead, but it looks like they are peeling off and holding on by a thread. Is he going to be ok, should I take any precautions? Is there anything that can be done? Thanks for any responses.




  1. go to petco and they sell medicine drops and it cures them in no time

  2. Goldfish are magical fish, no matter how much damage they take they don't die that easily depending on the size and age. If the fish is a baby it most likely will die if something sets into the wound but then again it may not. If the goldfish is older it'll have a higher change of living. For i have two goldfish that are 7inches long already and share a tank. they are 5 years old and have gone through a lot and they jump out of the tank often too but they haven't died. IF THEY ARE OLD THEY ARE HARD TO KILL...and hard to flush down the toilet when they get bigger...

  3. A goldfish should be housed in a minimum of a 20 gallon tank for one fish with 10 additional gallons for each extra fish.  This eliminates the need for netting and cleaning out all the water.  

    At this point you need to keep the water extremely clean and probably add an antifungal and possibly an antibiotic to keep the wound from becoming infected.


  4. no it will be okay just quarantine it and add rocksalt with good aeration.

  5. I'm assuming he isn't behaving strangely (swimming on his side etc), there's not much you can do but be on guard for infections like fungus- look out for any growth of cotton wool-like substance and if that happens you'll need to treat the water- you can get fungus treatments at any fish-keeping pet shop.

    If it's just a flesh wound then that's your main worry- if he is behaving strangely he'll likely die and there's not an awful lot you can do to help him. It might be an idea to get some fungus treatment in advance, I always keep a bottle handy just in case- you have a better chance of saving him if you stop it early on.

    Good luck.

  6. The best thing to do would be to put it back into the main tank and keep if VERY clean.  Frequent water changes will prevent toxic nitrogenous compounds from stressing the fish, making infection more likely.  Adding a preventative like Melafix or Stress Coat could be of some help, but certainly need to be "upgraded" to a real medication if an infection does develop.

  7. i have never had a goldfish but my guess is it might die.  But then again i may be wrong

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