
Help!!! Guini Pigs fighting???????

by  |  earlier

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I recently buoght a guini pig, "snickers" and he has been in his cage for a little over a week, he is healthy but seemed lonely. We went back to the store and tallked to the lady who sold us him and we bought him his old litter mate, "coco". we just brought coco home and decided to put him in snickers cage. They are both males. Coco runs around the cage as we are holding snickers so we think if we put snickers in coco might be less wierded out. Now snickers and coco run areound the cage trring to climb on the other and sort of nibble or bite the others back and sometimes run head on towards each other. Are tehy fighting or establishing territory, ive done lots of research but am not sure if i sould return the new guini pig.




  1. snickers is a domenet guinie pig.coco might be to. you have 2 chocies 1,take coco back or 2 seperate thim rabbets and guinie pigs are not the same.i have 4 guinie pigs and if we set them down at the same time,they go crazy!If you leave them together,one will get hurt!

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