
Help! Hamsters keep dying due to stress!

by Guest44711  |  earlier

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I'm trying to figure out if I have the right home to be able to raise a hamster. I have tried twice now to bring a hamster home. Each one has refused to eat or drink and the first died w/in 5 days, and the second is on his 4th and looks to be close to death as well.

I have 2 children, 7 and 4. So the house is quite noisy at times. I have 2 cats which will take peaks at the hamsters, but of course, will never be allowed contact! The second hamster did get handled for about 2 minutes 48 hours after coming home. But other than that, he's been left alone.

Do I try again? I just hate the thought that I may be shortening its life considerably, just be trying to provide it a new home!

Please give me as many tips as you can and whether or not you think it is worth trying again. And is there anything I can do for this last one? I'm guessing it is already too late to do much for him.




  1. Sounds to me that your house may be a little stressful for a hamster.

    I wouldn't try another one.

    Maybe go for a fish, or a bird.

  2. The hamster is probably freaked out because of the cat. Put it in a place where the cat can't reach but it's still room temp. You should try again if you want to raise another hamster.

  3. You should either put down your hamster or get it out of a stressful home.

  4. well if it's loud hamsters don't like all the noise, but is your house cold sometimes that makes them stressed also the cats can freak him out make sure they never even see each other and more human contact and fresh food and water everyday. I hope this helps.

  5. A hamster is very prone to illness because of a stressful environment.  Loud noises, bright lights, dirty cages, and extreme hot and cold are some reasons hamsters get sick.  

    Hamsters do not like to be disturbed from a sleep.  It can actually cause the hamster to have a heart attack.  They feel a great deal of stress when their sleep cycle is disturbed and that is why it's always recommended never to wake them up when they are resting.  

    If your cat is not clawing or pawing at the cage then the cat may not be a problem but if the cat is constantly harassing the cage trying to get at the hamsters then of course the poor thing is going to get stressed.  

    I also wonder what type of  cage you have but I cannot offer advice on that since you did not specify anything.  

    All you can do right now is put the hamster you have in a quiet, dim room and try not to disturb him.  Keep in mind though a healthy hamster does need attention.  

    It might be possible the hamsters you got all had an illness but I can't be sure on that.  You could try calling the pet store and asking them if anyone else had a problem with their hamsters getting sick.  

    Overall, I think the only way you should get another hamster is if you can create a permanent, non stressful environment for the little guy.  If you can't give the hamster that then I don't suggest getting another one.  

    BTW hamsters do have a susceptibility to illness as it is.  They are not as hardy as a gerbil.  Even with perfectly clean cages and a healthy diet they can still get sick.  Older hamsters  can become sick easily and you never know how old a hamster is from a pet store.  Stress futher compounds the likelihood of a hamster getting sick.

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