
Help! Have i got a kidney infection?

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I started having pains in my back two days ago, but last night the pain got very severe and spread around to my right side at waist level.

The pain has eased a little bit now (12 hrs on) but whenever i go to the toilet it makes the pain on my side worse as well as stinging where the wee comes out. I also feel a bit sick and dizzy.

Is this a kidney infection? If so what can i do to help myself until i can get to a doctor?

Any help would be very much appreciated x x x




  1. It does sound like a kidney infection. You do need to get to a doctor but in the mean time drink plenty of fluids to try to wash it out, take pain killers. (follow instruction on packet)

  2. what you can do is rub something sooting like icy hot on your lower back. and when you go to the doctor they give you medicine to destroy the bacteria. it may be a kidney stone. but you should go to the doctor just to be safe.

  3. It does sound like it is an infection maybe not kidney but sounds like a urinary tract infection (UTI), i have had 5 in the last year.

    You should go see a doctor as soon as possible, if it is your kidneys or spreads to your kidneys then you could suffer a lot more if it goes unchecked.

    Try drinking plenty of fluids, water and cranberry juice in particular and avoid anything with high levels of caffine i.e. tea, coffee and energy drinks, i was advised to avoid citrus fruits and drinks also.

    hope you feel better soon.  

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