
Help!! He's stuck in the wheelchair and sooo bored.?

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We were involved in a serious car accident (hit by a semi) that fractured both of my seven year old son's legs. He is now out of the hospital but stuck on the couch imobilized. When out he must be in a wheel chair.

Does anyone have suggestions of ideas of things to do or places we could go that would relieve his boredom.

I am desperate for suggestions. I don't think we can do one more art project.




  1. Have a look at this website. You will see that there are LOTS of activities for people in wheelchairs. You do not mention how long your son will be in a wheelchair. But it does not matter. Seek out some wheelchair athletic organizations and get him involved. He will learn a great deal from it.

    Rent the movie "Murderball" and get him to see that no matter what the challenge, life rolls on!

  2. Ds,wii,You can play most wii games on thecouch and yet stillhave much interactment!!!

  3. Get him a puppy children loves puppys or take him to the movies or to the Zoo,

  4. Oh I feel for you!! My son broke his femur at four, and we were in the same boat for several weeks!!  Also I highly recommend finding a pair of the athletic pants that have the snaps at the sides...we bought a pair that were huge for him because they were the only ones we could find, but that worked so much better than a blanket to try to keep him covered. The brand I found them in were Reebocks (sp?).

    Since you say you've done every art project imaginable, here's some of the things we did. Hopefully you can do some of these if the weather in your area allows.

    The ZOO! We went to the zoo at least twice and he liked it because he was pushed around and could see all the animals from the comfort of his tush!

    The movies: we took him to the movies and he got to sit either down in the front or the middle, depending on where the handicapped section was.  He thought that was pretty neat.

    At home we let him play PS2...we bought a wireless controller and that worked a whole lot better. Also he has a Leapster L-Max game console that helped him stay occupied and we felt is at least educational. They also have a hand held V-Smile system as well.

    Ummm trying to think what else we did. . . there's the obvious like coloring and such. We also bought one of the 'breakfast-in-bed' type trays so he could eat easier in bed, and do coloring, or play with toys on it. We had a two story house and a small couch so we ended up moving our full sized bed into our living room so he could comfortably rest there instead of trying to be in the chair or the couch all the time.

    You could also go to a museum if there's one in your area, a lot of science museums have hands on exhibits that are usually accessible.

    Good luck and I hope he heals soon! If you have any questions you can email me, I'm sure I'll think of the other things we did later...our son was non-weight bearing for 8 wks, then allowed to slowly be weight bearing for another 2, then had surgery again to remove the external fixator.

  5. Is the wheel chair permanent?  There are lots of things he can do if it is. Jus go to     Folks in wheelchairs play all sorts of sports even on the olympian level

    In the mean time he will have to read books, puzzles and do less active things - if it is temporary.

  6. Is it cold where you are?  If not go to the park.  Play basketball with him.  Rent the movie Murderball.  He can sit around and mope or practice his wheelies.  Tell him life is what you make of it.  I was in the same situation down to the car accident.  So don't turn into a couch potato.  Chase your friends and siblings.  Race them.  Tell him to clean something up.  he's not handicapped just disabled.  Tell him to work that wheelchair.  The movie theaters are wheel chair accessible.  Improve your attitude and he will feed off of you.  Smile for him.  Let him know that your alright with things and your not gonna stand for laziness.

    God Bless you two and Good luck.

  7. you could take him or play handy -cap basketball. or rent some movies to let him watch,bord games,and video games

  8. E-L-E-C-T-R-I-C      G-U-I-T-A-R!!!!!!!!!

    get 'em rockin!     find a teacher to come to the house, get a cheap electric guitar and go!   get a teacher who will show him how to PLAY FROM DAY 1....not to read, not to practice....just PLAY! (yes...that's possible)

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