
Help Help anyone i am 13 years old?

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i am 13 year old boy and i want to crossdress. and i need help to start. i need help with makeup clothes and other stuff that will make me look like a girly girl please help i want to do this most of the time i want to cross dress during school and at home. sometime i will not look like a girl.

i need help with makeup clothes and other stuff that will make me look like a girly girl please help and how do i tell my parents

I just like girly clothes and i've tryed makeup before and i like it but like i said i need help to start

some days i think i should be a girl but i dont want to go to the doctors




  1. just go right out and tell your parents

  2. You're 13 and I don't think you should act until your a bit older. There is nothing wrong with feeling like this but because of your age you may just be confused. Hold on for a few years then see how you feel. You're entirely too young for a s*x change btw, it's not even legally possible for you yet. Good Luck.

  3. honestly. i have a hard time telling if you are serious or not. but just buy clothes, steal your moms makeup. raise money for the surgery. im tellin you its worth it.

  4. Are you trying to get made fun of?

    Please reconsider this. It is not a very good idea.

  5. You can't deny what you long to become...It's just the way it is.

    You have to do what feels right.  What you need to understand is that age 13 kids are never more cruel.  I'm not telling you to not go through with this, but I am telling you that you are going to have to deal with more insults than you can possibly imagine.

    Be sure that you are mentally prepared...Once you reach this point, do what feels right.

    Best of luck...

  6. talk to your parents they are there to help

  7. express yourself freely and dress however you please to.

    i think it's great that you're unique and want to crossdress.

    one of my bestfriends crossdresses and he's always looking super cute. start wearing a touch of eyeliner and mascara. and buy a couple of cute girly shirts, then just build your style up from there. :)

  8. Be Yourself! Tell your parents the truth, they should understand!

  9. be yourself

  10. Dress how you want at home, but I don't think it'd be acceptable to dress like that for school

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