
Help! Hen or Rooster? What breed are these?

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My son got a pair of one week old chicks from kinder. They were yellow/white chicks when they hatched. They are now 3 months old and have a wattle and comb and I'm worried they might both be roosters. One has started "crowing" or is attempting to. 3 short quick yells so I'm assuming that one is a rooster however the other one hasn't yet and they are quite friendly-My son carries the one that crows like a baby! Does anyone know what breed these are? They're mainly whitish with light tan necks and tan/brown specks throughout body. They like each other's company and will always be together but lately I have seen them pecking at each other and stretching their necks and bodies trying to work out who is more dominent. Are they both roosters or do hens do that too to determine the pecking order???? I was looking forward to some nice free range eggs down the track!!!




  1. From my experience (raising chickens since i was like 3) I would say these are both roosters. Also, take note in the size of their tail feathers because roosters tend to have longer tail feathers. As for species, I can not determine, but I used to raise ones that kind of match that description and they were known commonly as "polish Chickens" I'll put the wikipedia for them in my sources list.

    EDIT: Different Species start crowing faster. I currently have 'top hat' chickens that started crwoing at 2 1/2 months.

  2. Well they sound like roosters to me.

  3. at 3 months they hit puberty our first rooster didn't crow till he was about 6 months what you heard was probably its voice changing,without pics I cant tell you what I think or what breed though sorry...

  4. I wouldn't say that they are both roosters yet. Even though you have seen them posturing that doesn't mean they are both roosters. Pullets will

    do that when they are young. After a while Foghorn will teach the ladies about egg production. If you have a pullet she should start laying at 5 - 6 months. You will need to feed her some laying pellets so she gets the proper level of protein needed for egg laying. Make sure she has some grit also.

    I love those firm yolks that are almost orange they are so dark.  The white is thicker,  they don't spill all over the pan when broke to fry. I am raising some young Polish standards for eggs. I am going to let them eat all the wasted parrot food under the cages. I will not be losing so much of that money once the pullets decide to lay.

    Roosters can be tame. I had a Old English Game that would ride on the handle bar of my bicycle. He would sit on there till we got back home and then when I stopped he would hop off.

  5. i wouls say they are both roosters! i would also say you have Buff Brahma roosters! you can show these they will become tan all over and have spots! Eventually they will get feathers on their feet and if you don't know i mean SHOW as in like showing in 4H or FFA

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