
Help! How do I get my boss to counter offer,or how do I bring it up?

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Okay, I received a new job offer which pays the same but has way more benefits and is closer to home. However, it is a larger company which makes me a little uneasy and the job I have now I actually like very much. My dream come true would be for my current boss to make a counter offer of at least a raise or something...But how do I tell him all this? What is the proper way to go about a situation like this? Thanks everybody for your response!




  1. Explain to your boss that you have been offered another position and that you are considering it because of the benefits. Don't mention that its closer to home and that this effects your decision. Tell them what interests you about the other place but also explain that you like the job you currently have. Tell him that though you like working where you are you really feel that you have to consider whats the best option for you. He should get the hint and if he is interested in holding on to you he will make an offer. If this doesn't result in him making a counter offer try being a bit more explicit that you would like a raise or increased benefits.

  2. You never know what will happen if you discuss it with your boss.  Most bosses think their place is so good that people should be willing to receive less pay and benefits to work there.  Some bosses have hurt feelings that an employee they liked has gone and interviewed at another place, and sometimes they say, "don't let the door hit you on the way out".  If you are serious about switching, tell him the facts, that you like it here and you would really rather work with him, but you need the improved benefits.

  3. Set up a meeting with him either in person or via email.

    Say "As you know, another company has made me an offer.  I really enjoy working here and think that I can continue to make a contribution to our team and help achieve our longterm goals.  I am hoping that the company may consider making me an offer that would allow me to stay here."

    Or something along those lines.

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