
Help!! How do I set my light timer!?

by Guest56877  |  earlier

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Ok so i'm trying to set my timer for my light on my fishtank but i dont get what it is trying to tell me what to do.


align pointer to present time (there is this dial with a pointer and it shows the times, day and night in a circle and the pointer revolves around the times)

Push segment down for required on-time (there is a red rectagular switch, is that what it is talking about?)

Please help, i need my lights to turn on at noon and turn off at 11 PM




  1. From the description, you set the pointer to the current time. Then around the edge of the dial are tabs which you can pull up or push down . Tabs that are pulled up represent time when the light is OFF, tabs which are pushed down represent time when the light is ON. Make sure the switch on the light is ON before you plug the light into the timer. (you checked this, right? That the light goes ON when plugged into a live socket and you do not have a burned out bulb?) Then turn the pointer slowly in the direction indicated. You should see the light turn on and off as the tabs move past the stationary pointer. Continue to turn until once again, the pointer is set to the correct time. I leave my timer set to standard time because sunrise and sunset does not change an hour (as the clocks do) during daylight saving time is in effect and my times stay in sync with sunrise and sunset. Why turn on the light at noon? I can understand 11PM because it is dark outside, but why turn on the light during the daytime? Why not turn on the light a little later, closer to sundown? By the way, the red switch is likely an override. Some have 2 positions, auto and on, and some have three positions, off, auto and on. ON and OFF force the timer to stay that way and the lights do not cycle based on the tab settings. The lights cycle ONLY when the switch is in AUTO.

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