
Help! How do I stop crying?

by  |  earlier

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No, there's no way I can contact her. That's part of the problem. :(




  1. Try to google CCF Namibia, am sre there is  contact you can find that will help you locate her am sure when u google u will find an address or phone number. try try try

  2. Try to find her in orkut,,,and all other social networking sites and if you found her there then your prblm will be solved and you can do one more thing and it is that you can get her address from her family and call her honey,,,it is just that simple and dont will find her sooner or later jst hv patience...

  3. Girl, we live in the 21st century! There are planes, so if you want to see her, find some free time and money and go to Africa! You will see your dearest friend, explore a new country, a new continent, and have a great life experience.  

  4. did you get any contact information from her? an e-mail address? a phone number?

    As for the crying problem.. try eating some chocolates? or blowing some bubbles. it sounds childish but it slowly helps me, when i can't stop crying

    i'm very sorry about your friend

  5. First phone her which will make you feel better, then you'll start crying again and after a week or so you won't cry anymore and won't miss her that much.

    My friend also moved to Namibia but that's close to South Africa (where I live) so ya. Oh, and maybe next year you could visit your friends in Namibia.

  6. awww I'm sorry :( did she give you a number, email, anything like that? If she did give her a call or write an e-mail and tell her you had a goodbye gift for her but you didn't have the chance to give it to her (just say that) and that you really miss her.

  7. oh...That's sad i have a friend who went to back Greece, (his half Greek) Never think that you would never see her again ever!!! True friends always see each other no matter how long it takes. Don't cry.=)

  8. Send her the gift through the post?

  9. can't you still write  or call your friend?  does she have a myspace, or even a phone.  you can still be best friends, even though you are far apart.  trust me, she'll still know how much you mean to her, even though you don't see eachother.

  10. write a letter...

    go there and talk to her.

  11. Cry it out. Get her address and send her a care package!! :) you will be fine it will just take some time and who cares if you are crying? I am sure you will be nothing but a ball of emotions for a while but that is OK!!!

  12. CCF as in the cheetah conservation fund? if so, there is contact details at this page:

    otherwise, phone the ccf and tell them that you need the number for their namibia branch.

    you do need to contact her, otherwise there will not be a closure in the friendship or a chance to become long-distance friends.

  13. close your eyes for about 20 seconds and think how how your freinds is helping people

  14. put onion in youre face?

  15. call her samrt one

  16. in todays technology, you may very well find each other again. i found a friend from the second grade on myspace, so you never know!

    from this point, make sure if you have something to tell someone, do it then! you never know if that is the last time you will see them...

  17. try writing to her

    you must have some contact with her


    did she leave an address for where she is staying?

    or maybe her number

    i know its gonna be hard wihtout her

    but you will find other people just as good and nice as her

    try to not think about her

    hope i helped  

  18. Recognize that crying is a waste of effort and will accomplish nothing.  

  19. if you have her new address ,email, write her letters

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