
Help!!! How do u potty train boys???

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How do u potty train???? I've been trying to train my son for a year and he still wont use the potty he's going to be 3 in Sept and Im trying to get him trained before his birthday...what do I do??? (the dad is out of the picture)




  1. I let my son sit on the toilet, as that is what he is most comfortable with right now. When he's a little older I plan on having his uncle whom I trust teach him how to aim.

  2. I've heard of putting a cheerio or fruit loop in the toilet and tellng him to aim for it.  You can also try rewarding him with an M&M each time he goes in the potty.  One for pee-two for p**p!  Also, I recommend that if you have him in Pull-ups, to just put him in regular big boy underwear.  They learn to think that the Pull-up is just like a diaper.  Good Luck!

  3. Start having him SIT not stand on the potty after every meal. Give him a fun potty book to read while on the potty. And if you ever catch him trying to p**p his diaper (hiding behind a chair, in a closet, his bed are all good signs) run him to the bathroom and set him on the potty. If hes hiding to p**p the diaper, that usally means hes ready to learn because it shows that

    1) He knows when hes about to go he can feel it comming

    2) Hes hiding cause he knows that he should be sitting on a tolite to do this.

  4. Here is a collection of some of the best Yahoo!Answers on how to potty train in a hurry!

    1) The no-nonsense cold-turkey approach:

    (see the best answer);...

    2) The forget about accidents/reward "being dry" approach

    by K10

    "Encourage him to stay dry. This simple change is what it took to have my son potty trained, worked almost immediately: The best advice I can give, is through out the day, ask if he is "dry." If he is, give him a small reward (We use a fruit loop-in his eyes they were a treat, since he normally doesn't get them) Don't use pull-ups, use underwear, there is nothing to soak up the mess, and he knows right away that he has to change clothes. Put the remains in the toilet (so he can associate where they belong) Never get mad, he is learning a new skill, like walking and talking. By changing the focus, my son understood that the goal is to stay dry."

    3)  The "sit in it' or $1,500 expert approach

    my friend has a 6 yr old non verbal autistic son who she had fits training. Last summer she hired a professional to come for a day and work with him. It cost $1,500 and with in 6 hrs he was potty ed trained. Here is what they did.. He was put in under ware and taken to the potty every 30 Min's when he did go he was rewarded. when he had an accident he was then taken to the toilet sat down after a few Min's. he had to put back on his soiled pants and returned to the spot of the accident. Then this was repeated 5 times. Hope this helps.

    4) The obnoxious repetition after accidents approach

    Hey! My son got potty trained at 19 months, all of my friends were like "WOW! How did you do that!?" and here is what I did:

    I invested in ONLY underwear, no pull-ups--I allowed him to have accidents, and EVERYTIME he had an accident I would take him from his puddle to his potty back and forth 8 times for every accident. I would walk to the puddle and say "you use the potty" and then walk him to his potty. Again, I would repeat this for EVERY accident (8 times, each accident). With him having on the underwear, he quickly got used to the idea that he did not like being dirty--just be patient, and expect a lot of accidents...good luck!

  5. I worked with 2 year olds for 3 years and I found some pretty fun ways. First let him sit on the potty facing the back, that way the pee always goes in the bowl, eventually he will get the hang of it and then he can stand up.  What I did with all the boys at the daycare I worked at was put fruit loops or cheerios in the bowl and tell them to shoot at them!! The boys think it is a game and it's fun so they will want to do it more and more!!! Hope that works for ya!

  6. You can have him go shopping with you for a potty seat that goes on the toilet. One with characters on it he likes then have him pick out some pullups. You can do a sticker chart that he gets to put them on if he goes on the potty. Make a big deal of using the potty and try ready him a book about using the potty and then putting him on it.

  7. fruit loops in the potty.. ready, aim, fire

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