
Help! I'M going to take guitar lessons...?

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Well, I really want to play the electric guitar but the only classes that are offered at my school is the classic guitar. Is it ok? I'm new at this. HELP! Is there a difference and another question. I am use my right hand so how do I hold a guitar. Im sorry im really dumb at this.

thank you





  1. Yes, all of the chords and scales and other stuff you learn on a classical guitar will be just as useful and necessary on electric guitar as well.

    Most guitar players are right handed as you are, so that's fine.  You'll be holding the guitar with the neck (the long skinny part, LOL) pointing towards the left, so that your right hand is picking and strumming the strings and your left hand is fingering the chords and scales and whatnot.  

    But your guitar teacher will explain all that when you get into class.

  2. Good that you are taking lessons.  By learning on a Classical guitar you will actually LEARN GOOD TECHNIQUE... and, you need to learn to use your left hand for fretting... NOBODY is THAT right hand dominent that they can't learn how to play a guitar like everyone else.  If you insist on fretting with your right hand, then you will constantly have to 'flip' the finger charts mentally.  

    Learn how to read music, too... because that way you won't have to rely on someone else to transpose real music into TABs for you.. you can just pick up any piano score and play it directly

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