
Help. I'm 12. I have alot of spots on my forehead. But Yesterday a huge one appeared on my nose... ?

by  |  earlier

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It does'nt have a white head. and its not painful. but i tried putting some clearderm ( with added which hazel ) on it. Then i put some hot water on it. Then i put a sterolized needle in it. and only a spot of blood came out. After this i added some TCP ( mixed with water ) to ease it down. I have still got the cloth with it on, still on the spot. I want to get rid of it before tomorrow. What can i do?




  1. Well, there isn't really a way to immidietly get rid of it, it might take a few days. Try putting toothpaste on it before bed, it should help because it dries the skin and somewhat suffocates the pimple and it gets smaller each day. Works for me!

  2. Well i would try to hide it until it went away its self or wash it with soap really well

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