
Help I'm Being Harassed?

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someone keeps sending pizza and food to my house. I paid to get the ip traced, but the person is in a small island in asia. can i press charges or prsecute this harasser? help




  1. Why dont you get his address, post it on the internet.

    and do things to them in return

  2. Call the Police. There may be more to this, because how did someone from a "small island in Asia" get your  address. Also contact the pizza and food place and let them deliver the food to a charitable organization.

  3. Sounds like an Italian mother to me!!!

  4. Trace the sender so that you could file the necessary charges under the applicable provisions of the violations of the Electronic Law in your country.  You can file the case in your country and the summons must be sent to the other country through its embassy in your country.

  5. Yeah, and something seemingly small like this can actually get quite messy.

    So, you know the island and the country it's from.  You could try contacting your government to do something about it.  Assuming you live in the US, you could complain to your congressman.  Congressmen do have great influence in areas like these.  They could complain to the government of the country that the prankster is from and press on that government to do something about it.

    They might try to get the US government's State Department to do something, but I really don't think it would get anywhere.  The US State Department has no jurisdiction in other countries; all it has are embassies, which can't prosecute crimes like these.

    If you complain to the prankster's government yourself, frankly they are likely to ignore you.  Embassies think they have better things to do.  Although, that's really arrogant, and it's straying from their whole purpose.  Embassies exist to iron out small international problems, just like yours, so that the problems don't burst out and turn into huge diplomatic incidents.  But to get them to listen, you'd need some help from your Congressmen to press them.

    If you're not sure who your congressman is, check out the link I left below and look it up.

    Or, you could try one of your senators.  If you live in a big state, it'll be easier to figure out your senators than one of your congressmen.  Like, California alone has 53 Congressmen, and you'd need to figure out which one is yours out of the fifty-three.  If you're lucky enough to live in a state with a small population, like Alaska, there's only 1 congressman there, so that should make the search a whole lot easier.nnThere's one Congressman for every 650,000 citizens; all in all, there are 435 of them!  Meanwhile, there are only 100 Senators -- two from each state.

    If you go that way, you might want to first try whichever Senator's term expires soon.  Senators get terms of six years; 1/3 of the Senate is up for re-election every two years, so there's a rotating scheme in which most of the Senate is immune through the election.  One of your senators may be up for re-election next year, if not, three years from now.  The one up for re-election would be the most worried about keeping his seat, so he'll obey you like a puppet.  To save yourself the time, contact whichever one is the soonest.

    I don't get why someone is doing such a stupid, stupid, stupid prank, but they're committing fraud, among other things, not to mention it being a horrible sin to s***w with people like this.

    You might be able to press charges and prosecute, depending on what the international laws are between your country and the prankster's.  But you know what?  It'll be lengthy and costly.  This loser has already taken so much of your time and effort.  Does he really deserve any more?

    Instead, just make the government do something about it.  It's your government.  It runs thanks to your taxes.  It exists for you.  It's yours.

  6. lol,  have u ever given ur adress to anyone online??? you must really be hot or something,    just report the harrasser to the FBI since its international to the CIA

  7. This is odd. I do internet pizza orders sometime. They need my address and location and register me as user then every time I make an order they would ask me to authenticate that this is really me before they'd take any order.

    I think you should first complain to the Pizza or food delivering company, then, if it isn't working you can then press charge locally to the police, because the pizza company should have correct your user id and password for your address not from some small island in Asia. Try this and I think the Pizza company will be the one solving the problem.

  8. You should call the pizza place. First, ask that a hold be put on the account. You can also contact the government of the Island to see what their laws are concerning fraud.

  9. Do you have to pay for the pizza? If not then this matter does not seem serious since he is sending you only pizza. Don't you like pizza? You could let the delivery person know that you did not order and that you did not want to take it. It will keep happening a few times and then the Pizza guys will try to catch him. They will do the job for you so you relax. Well, somebody really likes you.

  10. lol

  11. This is not really that funny, It is quite serious, I'd look into it and see if there's anything i can do to put a stop to this . I'd have a chat with the pizza place so they know when it is you who is ordering.

  12. You can press fraud charges, but they will have to be charges in relation to laws in that country.  Your best bet is to find a translator and talk to the federal police there by phone.  You should be able to find the police phone number through that country's government website or via google.

    If the island is small then the chances of the police catching this person is a lot stronger than if it's a somewhere that has a lot of people.

    Overall I'd rate your chances of pressing charges as quite good if a language barrier can be overcome.

  13. It all depends on your personal preference.

  14. Inform the places that deliver that this is a hoax.  And it will be up to them to figure out how to deal with it.  You can tell them what you know.  Presumably, they can reject any orders coming from the source involved.

    But, it is up to them to prevent their looss of revenue.

  15. thats not harassment, thats cool!!!! if I were getting free food to my door, I would be happy!!!!!

    move on to bigger and better things

  16. Dude, it's pizza! Pizza rocks! =]

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