
Help! I'm a angst-ridden Emo who doesn't know who he is! Am I an Emo? What's an Emo?

by Guest62639  |  earlier

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Why do people keep calling me an Emo? Am I an Emo? I need your help because I am an existential Emo who is currently undergoing an identity crisis! It's that existential angst kind of thing that we Emos experience. Am I an Emo? What is an Emo? Emo! Emo! Emo! Emo! Emo! Emo! I just *love* saying that word!!! : ) What is the definition of an Emo? Why am I an Emo? What does Emo Phillips think of all this? Where have you gone, Emo Phillips? An emotional Emonation turns its lonely eyes to you! What are we going to do with all these Emos running around? Am I one of them? What's an Emo? Why do I wear black all the time? Why do people always stereotype us by saying we always wear black? Why do people call us "scene"? Don't they know that that is *so* ten minutes ago? Don't they know the subtle yet impassible canyon-like difference between Emos and scene? And why do some people call us "goth"? Don't they know that nobody has used the term "goth" since the 1960's? How come we never talk about Emos on Yahoo Answers Society and Culture> Cultures and Groups> General- Cultures and Groups? Are they discriminating against us because we wear "black"? Nobody knows what it's like to be discriminated against because of the colour of our clothes! Help me! I'm an Emo and I don't know if I'm an Emo!!!




  1. too hyper to be 'emo'

  2. Nah you aint emo... Poser... Maybe... But hey it aint all bad cheer up, as long as you try real real hard to get people to like you... you just might never have any friends... emo kids dont think they have friends so you dont have to worry

  3. You're way to hyper to be emo...emos are calm and quiet...and you asked the same question like 5 times...thats so damnn weird...anyways...if you are emo then your a drunk emo...sleep for several hours then re-ask your question tomorrow morning(eat breakfast first)...ask the question in a more calmer tone of typing...

    i hope this helped...-giggles-

  4. You sound like one of those kids that everybody hates because they try to hard to act all depressed and wear all black. That's like, the most annoying thing evvvver.  

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