
Help! I'm freaking out!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

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Okay...So tomorrow I start as a freshmen High School at Western Christian High school...and I'm worried I won't fit in...I'll get lost on my way to class..I'll get to class late...I'll start my period

(I use tampons)...have nobody to sit with at lunch I'll miss the bus...I'll miss the bus home...Okay I'm going to a small private christian school. We wear uniforms....




  1. You're just nervous. :)

    It happens to everyone. Once the school year gets going you'll feel better... I felt the same when I was a freshman. ^^

  2. ya i had the same problem i went to a new school just be your self people will like u

  3. Calm down. Be yourself tomorrow, don't worry about what other people are thinking about you. Have confidence, theres nothing horrible that's going to happen. High school is totally over rated don't worry about it, every experiances it and everyone will be scared on the first day. All of the freshman will at least.

  4. CHILL OUT!  high schools is a blast even if people don't admit it. if you get lost ask for help, first day of school it happens to all most everybody the teacher no that and they don't care. sit with people like you DON'T think about it just do it. And hey ill let you in on a little secret if you make an *** out of yourself  you'll be fine, ive made tons of friend just because of that, as weird as it may be. Oh and the uniform thing just means you wont totally flip trying to figure out what to wear.  

  5. Your just nervous! (:

    I've just started high school about 2 weeks ago. It's great. I've already met allot of new people too and my school is huge.(i mean like 2,000 kids maybe) The first week they will prob. give you a break if your late. (: Tomorrow when you get to your first class, look around. Find a girl or guy who looks nice and say "hi, I'm _______!" Most likey then they will ask you to sit by them or something(: loll. and their might be 'those' girls. the ones that think their amazing. ha ha. just forget about them! (: If you have no idea where your next class is ask your teacher or a classmate. You won't be the only one lost. How not to miss the bus: don't be late! (: and;

    if your gonna get your period soon, wear a pad and bring tampons & pads in-case you do. (keep them in your bag, locker or whatever)

    Don't worry.! Everything will be fine! (:

    Good Luck Tomorrow!

  6. don't worry about it lol everything will be fine.  i was as nervous as you are.

    i haven't been to school in a while, but i still remember how it felt lol.

    and don't worry about fitting in.  just be yourself, and you will make friends that accept you for who you really are.

  7. okay this was me pretty much last year

    you have to just find a friend (doesn't have to be that close) having someone around you know will calm you down and just breath

    and trust me if the first day isn't good it will all get better trust me

  8. I freaked out the first day at my new school. I went to my rival school. It was ok.....Just follow your classmates to classes and then you'll get the hang of where everything is. If you wear uniforms...there shouldn't be a lot of gossip about who's wearing what etc. If you miss the bus your mom or dad to come pick you up. If you get to class late, don't worry about it...evrybody is tardy now and then...even the really smart people...If you're at a new school...go up to a girl in your class and sit with her during lunch..that's what i did..Well i went to a private school, no uniforms..and PLUS it was my rival school.. I thought it was going to be awful turns out it was very fun and interesting to meet the people that I had been competing against all these years!

  9. way to think positive..........keep it up.............

  10. im sure other people are feeling the same way just  try to get through it and be social and make some friends

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