
Help...I'm going crazy Trying to figure this out!?

by  |  earlier

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My husband and I have been ttc and I have been having slight cramping, nausea, sore nipples, and just an overall blah feeling so this morning I took an ept hpt and got a very dark horizontal line and a very faint vertical line. Does the fait line still mean I could be pregnant. AF is 4 days late today. Any similar stories or advice.




  1. My doctor told me no matter how faint the line is you are pregnant. If there is a line there then 9 times out of 10 you're pregnant. I would go to the doctor anyway just to be 100%. Congrats!!!!!!

  2. a faint line is still a pos, so congratulations to you both

  3. Even a faint line means your pregnant.  Congrats!!

  4. Congratulations!  As several other posters have suggested, I'd follow up with another (different brand) test, and of course also see your MD for a blood test to confirm.

    I was reading about how these tests actually work, and it has helped me to understand why even a faint line still means a BFP.  If you have time, maybe check out the website below.  Good luck to you!

  5. thats a positive reading

    Congrats... It does say the lines  can be different shades

  6. My faint line was always right. Good Luck and maybe try to retest; Just to make sure.

  7. im not to sure about an ept test but you should try on of the test that actually say pregnant or not pregnant like the clear blue digital test. there is no guessing involved. Best of luck

  8. yes! I was with any very faint line. Congrats

  9. If there's 2 lines (regardless of how faint), it's a positive reading.

    I'm telling ya, I hate those tests!!! I like the digital readouts!! It's either "pregnant" or "not pregnant".


  10. The digitals are great...but they are NOT sensitive.  You have to have a good bit of hcg in your system.  Considering that you are 4 days late though, it should work.  

    for future reference, answer tests and first response are the most accurate tests taht won't give evaporation lines.  You should always try to get a pink dye test because for some reason blue dyes have a very bad tendancy to give you a false positive or evaporation line.

    However, if it came up within the time limit, your good,...I think your pregnant sweetumsQ!!

  11. I've never used EPT but when I tried clearblue with my first pregnancy I never got an actual + sign....I would get a partial and a half lines, one vertical OR one horizontal, I went and bought a First Response and it was VERY clear, you either get a line or not, no trying to figure out if you have a +  Good luck!!1

  12. i'm sure congratulations are in order but if you are still not sure go and buy the clear blue easy digital test- i swear by that brand!

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