
Help! I'm going out with a guy tomorrow and I have no idea where I want to go for dinner please help me?

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I'm going out on a date I Where I have no idea where I want to go ...please give me ideas on resturants in San Francisco that are nice in setting, food, and price. Note: this is the first time I'm going out with this guy so keep that in mind too please. Thanks




  1. You can find it on this web.

  2. Try Boulevard or the Slanted Door. Boulevard is near the ferry building and Slanted Door is in the ferry building.  I love that area because you can walk around after dinner.  Enjoy your date!

  3. the new delhi on ellis is great

  4. Setting is very important, so probably a place that's a little dark and a little intimate? I like Saha on Sutter, or First Crush on Cyril Magnin is pretty decent, or just go to North Beach and eat at a cute little Italian restaurant.

    Good luck!

  5. Did he ask you to select a place? if not usually the guy chooses on the first date. If he did ask then try koh samui on 4th and Brannan St if you like Thai or Piperade if you like Basque or Caesars on Bay st if you like Italian.

  6. When you are dining out with someone you want to impress, it is recommended that you avoid food that is in the least bit difficult to handle or food that requires any work.

    For example, stay away from spaghetti, fried chicken, boiled shrimp or other shell fish, and lettuce-based salads. (It's assumed you want to avoid smiling at your date with, unbeknown-st to you) a tiny piece of green lettuce stuck between your teeth.) Large sandwiches are certainly on this no-no list.

    Stick with food that is self-contained and easy to handle...Like a baked potato without the chives and bacon and a simple entree that requires only a knife and fork.

    I read these "first date" or "job interview" tips years ago. They still hold true, they went even further and suggested that any kind of soup is to be avoided, not only because of the possibility of a "sipping sound," but because it was more likely than other foods to drip on your blouse or dress.

  7. anywhere in northbeach is fine... there's always a beautiful view and they have great restaurants. after, you can get gelato at Naia if you're up for dessert!

  8. Ristorante Milano is one of my favorite restaurants in SF. It's not too expensive, but not cheap. It's romantic, but not over the top so if the date was going badly you would feel like you were stuck in this sappy place. The food is outstanding, the service matches the food. It's in a quaint residential area of Russian Hill, easy access and for some weird reason it's been easy to find parking. You can see prices and how the atmosphere is on their website. I think this is an awesome choice for a date. He wont think your are a snob since it's not overpriced and he'll think you have great taste since it's well respected for having outstanding food! AND if the date is really terrible at least you had a nice dinner. But hopefully it will be a great night and you'll have fun. Good luck!

  9. lots of small french places around gough st... close to the Bart station at city hall. go to dinner at one place and get crepes!

  10. benihana.... i dont know how to spell it

    elephat bar.......

    chiense food

    pizza places

  11. i would say get a nice expensive elegant restaurant and do not get the spaghetti you might drop it on you or dint get broccoli and get it in your teeth.

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