
Help!! I'm going to camp.

by  |  earlier

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I'm 13 and i am going to band camp, i dropped my stuff off already (they bring it there a day early) and i have this weird feeling that i'm forgetting something although i double checked even triple checked,

and i am going away for a whole week, is it just weird that i feel like this? what can i do to releive these nerves?




  1. yes

  2. omg i'm 13 and i'm going to band camp today for a whole week and they already took our stuff too. all you have to do is think about all the fun you're going to have marching around all day!! you'll be fine i go to band camp every year and i'm always nervous biut then once i'm there and see all my friends i'm totally fine and forget about alll the nerves. if this is your first time going dn't worry about it it's so much  fun and it's a great oppuratunity to meet new people and have fun.

  3. it will be a breeze ...stop whining

  4. tell you what, go out side for a few hours, sit down by a tree or something you can get comfortable, & stare at the house, yes, I meant

    "stare", then close your eyes & think of all the stuff you have in your room, then in your house, see each and every room in your minds eye.

    more than likly you already have every thing, but just think of  all your

    belongings, jewelry, shorts, pants, under cloths, socks, shoes,(different pairs) necklaces, barrets, paper, pens to write with, extra parts to your musical instrument, a tape recorder to record your thoughts with, diary, ect, ect,

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