
Help. I'm in debt (quite a bit) and I'm being kicked out of my house, and I work part time at fast food.

by  |  earlier

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I need money (legally). I don't make that much, and I'm being kicked out of my house. What are some ways I can get some quick money legally (and without gambling). I know, every1's looking for that quick buck, but this isn't just about wanting to get rich quick. I need a hand up (not a hand-out). I just need enough to be able to survive for a little while until I get a better job (wich will hopefully be in the next month or so.) Does anyone have any REAL answers?




  1. Get another part time job..

    Sell your stuff that's actually worth something..

    Or you could try what I do. I earn money online and stuff.

    I made a website of all the great paying sites I use..

    If you'd like to check it out, you can.

  2. well, if you can hack it, take a part time job dear. there's a lot of sacrifices you could do, but it's gonna hurt :( you can have a garage sale or something, put things up on ebay if you can, or get a quick cash loan. also you could try to borrow money from a friend or family member but be sure to pay them back okay? i really hope you get out of that slump, i know how being moneyless feels--our family was like that when i was younger. we soon got out of it and we're okay now, just paying off a few more debts here & there. it'll take time but you'll get out of it, k? :)

  3. get another part time until you can find a nice full time far as having money tomorrow to pay rent..........better start selling the stuff you love.

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