
Help I'm losing control of my life...... I'm turning into a pathetic loser.?

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Well where do I start its about my life or lack of it.well Im 17 years old and I have no life and im pathetic and sad, I spend all my weekends and holidays inside my house playing on my computer games and I hardly ever leave my house, and sometimes im stuck indoors for a week.. I hardly have any mates but i do have some friends,Im scared for my own social future and general future... I have not had a Girlfriend since I was 12!! Ive never kissed a girl and im turning 18 in a months time, I aint going to have a party its just going to be me and my Mum lol sad I know.Im not an ugly guy I know that a couple of hot girls that fancied me, you know I turn on the charm and you know, BUT when they find out about me they don't want to know. When I was younger I was alot more outgoing, I was rarely inside. but now im just turning into a recluse and im scared these last 7 years have been a complete waste. People have invited me out and my mum has told me to join loads of things but i dont. HELP




  1. the only one who can help you, is yourself. Now that you know you have a problem why not go out and try to fix it. Go out and party. Let loose and have fun.

  2. Well, my dear, you sound like a very mature insightful guy. I am 17 myself and was recently facing similar woes. While I'm not doubting your complaints, I do believe that a lot of anxieties are just normal teen-age things. At this point in our life there are sooo many decisions in front of us...from uni to simply trying to figure ourselves out and where we stand in the world. Also, not having had a girlfriend, while seemingly a bad thing to you, may turn out to be just the thing you need, giving you the time to learn yourself and leaving you availible when the perfect girl comes along. Maybe you should start out slowly by inviting some of your closest mates over to play games and watch vids and such. Once you begin to feel more comfortable with yourself, try branching out a bit. Maybe go to an internet cafe where you are sure to find like minded young ladies. Find one you like. And smile. You'd be amazed at what a simple smile can do. Remember: Life is never a waste. These 7 years are helping you grow as a person and I'm sure that it will help you in the long run. Feel free to add me if you have any more questions or things you'd like to discuss. I'm wishing you the best. =)

  3. Just do what u want, if u want 2 end up being a social loser than keep doin wat u r doing, but if not then get off ur @$$ and go have fun cuz im 17 and i cant imagine a life without hanging out with my friends and girlfriend, and dont try to make up excuses not 2 go out and do things!!! good luck

  4. Whats really cool is that you spelled it LOSER and not LOOSER!  There is hope for you yet, and 17 is young!  I didn't kiss my first man until I was 21!  And I was his first kiss and he was 22!

  5. Actually, I don't think your a loser at all, it's good that your not a pathetic tramp of a man. You may be a little to recluse but at least your low profile and the cops aren't chasing you. So far so good, no child support. Your life could be a much bigger mess. Your gonna find a little chick who digs you and wants to stay inside and play video games and other games with you. Chill out and quit stressing, remember stress kills. As long as you are healthy and happy thats all that matters. I hope your not over weight from all that sitting around, but other than that I wouldn't stress, you are very young and have plenty of time to wreck your life.

  6. Stop whining and talking do something. 1 hour at a time.

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