
Help! I'm not losing weight!?

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I've cut down my calorie intake and junk food.

I work out about 5 days a week. It goes approximately like this:

20 min on treadmill varying speed and incline.

30 min with weight machines (abs, legs, arms)

Then a little later I walk/run for about an hour in the park.

And a little yoga before bed.

In a few weeks I'll be starting Pilate's classes once a week.

I'm 22. Female. Drinking tons of water. Not a pound will come off. Well... like 3 lbs a few weeks ago.

I'm tightening and slimming a little but I haven't seen the scale move in maybe months.





  1. Socks is correct. Just keep up what you are doing and you should be fine. Also, I heard in the news that you can stay in better shape by running outside instead of a treadmill ;)

  2. if you are losing weight eat some fats and vegetables

  3. East six small measl throutout the day rather then thee big ones....dont east after 6 pm ,,,,,,,and drink losts of water ....and NO juice or caffine then  exersise with Jack  

  4. Don't worry, you are on a great workout regimen and in time you will be able to see some results. What it comes down to, when wanting to lose or gain weight, is caloric balance. This is basically just how much calories you intake vs expend. What is missing from your question is how much food you are eating.

    Losing weight is just about taking in less calories than you expend. You can eat 2000 calories, and expend 2000 calories doing straight powerlifting and you won't gain a pound. It doesn't matter if its muscle or fat. I would recommend a diet tracking website such as

    You can input your body measurements, find out your BMR to see how much calories you expend, add in how much calories you're burning while working out and then calculate how much calories you should eat to be in caloric deficit. For an accurate measurement of your BMR, make sure to put either "no or light activity". Stay on a healthy diet, split your meals to 4-5 small meals a day, and don't diet any more than 500 calories underneath your caloric expenditure. Hope this works out for you.

  5. You're probably gaining muscle, so the weight is the same. Just keep doing that and it will come off.

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