
Help! I'm obsessed with my sister!!!?

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I know this might sound perverted but I'm obsessed with my big sister's b***s! I know that hormones and stuff is what happens to you when you're growing up but is this kind of thing healthy? If she is wearing a tight blouse - or scoop neck top that lets you see her b*****s jiggle about - I find it really hard to pull my eyes away. How do I stop obsessing and fantasizing over my sister's b***s? I don't want her to catch me looking and thing I'm a freak or something.




  1. In short: Keep doing what you're doing. They love the attention, and will come around. Did same thing, myself, and found older sister SO up for what I wanted. She'll play it up so you'll NEED to look and pay attention to her. Go forward, work on her, and FK her!

  2. f**k her

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Latest activity: 10 years, 3 month(s) ago.
This question has 2 answers.


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