
Help!! I'm soooo fat!!?

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okay. i'm a 15 year old girl..i weigh 109 and i'm 5'6. I want to lose weight..9 pounds to be exact. I already exercise and i eat between 700 and 1000 calories a day. What can i do to lose weight? Dont believe that i'm fat? Go to and take a look at my pictures.




  1. Haha this story is so fake

    Get a life

    Stop fishing on complaments

    I'm sure your a stick with no b***s or butt  

  2. I often butt in and say this to you young girls. Stop hating yourself so much. There is nothing wrong with 9 pounds. People dont dislike you because of your weight.. why do you dislike yourself so much. Just eat in moderation, and drink water..and stay active..  youll be fine.. but not if you let this thing about your weight overtake your senses.

    No one notices this more than you do.. dont drive yourself nuts over your weight.

  3. LoL your not fat.

    Well when I was over 156 pounds for wrestling, I didn't eat anything for a day because the weigh in was tomorrow and I lost about 4 pounds. But don't try that I desperately needed to lose weight. Well right after you eat, about 10 minutes, run outside or on a treadmill. But don't work too hard or you might end up throwing up. It helped. Or... just don't eat fat foods and run.

  4. Girls these days. So arrogant....ur ok. U seem a little skinny. I would rather eat more than lose weight. i would say average could b 120 i think. Not really sure...but ur SKINNY!

  5. Nicole: LiSTEN TO ME CAREFULLY!!!  I do not even have to go to your my space to know that you are not fat. You SHOULD weigh about 130lbs. Keep going and you will end up in the hospital under the watch of a PSYCHIATRIST. You are starving yourself and if you do not eat properly (no junk, fresh fruits and vegetables and lean meats) your body wil begin to canabalize itself. That means that your body will begin to break down your muscles for fuel and that INCLUDES your heart. Why do you want to lose 9 pounds? What is so special about 9 pounds? Stop worrying your family and friends and get it together. If you can't get yourself straight, call the local health department, your school nurse or 1800 969 6642, I don't mean to be mean but you are putting yourself in danger, speaking of which, don't advertise your my space page.

  6. Your not effing fat, geez!!!

  7. your not fat stupid a 6th grader should way 100 pounds and dumbass the profile is set to private (duhh)

  8. Baby, at 109 and 5'6" are skinny....if you are flabby..excercise...HUGS!!

  9. Lol get your self down to the gym, cylcin, joggin, rowin, all cardios really, make sure you eat the right foods and drink plently of water

    whys everyone bad reppin my ansa, she asked the question so i answered it :S

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