
Help! I'm trying my best!

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I am trying to lose my 'pouch' belly before my wedding in 4 months...I weigh 125 ilbs. I have been working out 1 hour a day, not drinking soda, but I haven't lost more than 5 pounds. Is there any way I can lose 10 pounds in a healthy manner? (No diet pills, diet fads, surgery, etc.)




  1. no fried foods

    drink plenty of water

    eat lean proteins like baked fish or grilled chicken

    drink hot green tea

    take vitamins

    no candies, cookies, chips, etc...

    If you don't lose weight after all that, then maybe your body is healthy at 125 lbs. I know you want to lose the little belly, but it may not be meant to be. Good luck!

  2. I would buy a girdle or shapewear to wear. You might lose weight, but your "pouch" will probably persist. The shapewear will flatten you out nicely. I suggest getting some of those underwear-like ones that go up above your belly button. These hold in the part below your belly button. Then get a strapless boustier (sp?) to actually hold in and flatten the stomach.

    Situps will help tone this area

  3. Just eat fresh and prepare your own meals - that way you know what you are putting into your body. Make it a point to have five serves of vegetables a day with sensational salads and soups - and get 2 servings of fruits a day. These low calorie appetite suppressants will not only help you lose those unwanted calories, but will help you looking and feeling fabulous.

    The key for a flat stomach is eating sensibly - and your diet doesn't have to be complicated. While cutting carbs or fats out of your nutrition plan might give you a temporary loss of a couple of pounds, it's typically followed by a drop in metabolism and a weight gain of more than you lost in the first place once you go back to your old eating habits.

    Eating sensibly is having protein and carbohydrates at every meal. It’s grazing on 4–6 healthy meals or low fat snack each day (1 salad plate portion only), instead of missing meals and then gorging yourself. It’s enjoying a healthy breakfast and not drinking your calories. But most of all, eating supportively is enjoying the foods you love in moderation instead of in excess. This is the best way to control your cravings!

    Exercise and good nutrition is the best way to get a flat stomach: High intensity exercise, not long boring cardio, is an essential component for fat loss. This can be achieved through intense activity, and the person will achieve better results when compared to taking on a diet program by itself.

    Not only does exercise contribute to fat loss, rapid weight loss is also accompanied by reduced stress levels, an energy boost, increased body endurance, a reduced risk for diseases, and an overall improvement to your health. A great resource is The Truth About Six Pack Abs – it has the most effective workouts and nutrition tips that will show you how to lose 5 pounds and get a flat stomach in a month.

  4. Try cutting out salt. This was recently suggested to me and I was shocked at the results after just 4 days.

  5. make sure you watch your portion size. You might not realize that you might be eating more then the serving that is recommended on the box.

    You should look into It is a very health way to get rid of some weight. I was on it my first time and lost 40 lbs and now I'm getting married and have lost 25 lbs. It helps you make good choices on what to eat, helps you understand portion control and drink lots and lots of water. You can join at a local group or on line.

    They say you do better at the group and I agree. Don't be embarassed to go to the meetings. Everyone is real friendly and there are all kinds of people all shapes and sizes.

  6. All I can think of is to focus your exercise on your 'target areas'. If your belly is what you want to spend most of your energy on, then spend more time on crunches and stomach workouts.

    Also, a big thing for me was to watch my snacks and sweets. I have a serious sweet tooth. Not drinking soda is good, but watch what you replace them with.  Sugar-ry juice drinks are just as bad.

    Please do not listen to anybody who tries to convince you to do any fad, fasting diet.. They don't work and fasting makes you ridiculously grouchy, just you don't need when you're already under stress with planning a wedding and getting married.

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