
Help! I've signed up for on-line classes for Grad School & now I'm afraid that I won't be able to handle it!?

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I've signed on and am not really sure that I "understand" how all of the webpages, etc.. work together and if I'll be able to figure this stuff out! I got my books today - but no syllabus.... it's been MANY YEARS since I've been in college and this new, "high-tech" stuff is very intimidating!




  1. It will be intimidating at first, however once you get the hang of the technology it makes your life a lot easier. My sister just went back to school to finish her degree and she has never gotten an A in college before until now. I think going back when you're older gives you a new appreciation for your education. I think you'll be just fine it might actually end up easier than you think.  

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