
Help I Have nocturnal children!

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I need some redemies on how to put my kids to sleep fast. They don't go to sleep till 2:00 A.M. and as much as they are tired they don't go to sleep. I have tryed all natural teas, naps and late night car rides

my oldest is 6 years old and my little one is 2 years old.




  1. Oh I know how you feel. Maybe over time they might change and then again they may not. My husband often stays up with our Daughter who is 6 because Momma is just too darn tired. We were the only one in the neighborhood letting her ride her bike outside at 11 at night when she was a Toddler. What to do? As long as they are healthy and happy they just may not require as much sleep. I have heard that Melatonin helps. It is a natural thing. have you talked to your ped about it? It may just be what they are used to now. All I can say is try to up their bedtime by 5-10 minutes every so often until you can get them in to a more reasonable hour or just have a safe place that they can play until they crash. Really does it matter where they crash and sleep? hang in there. I understand, but atelast now my Daughter is coming to bed no later than 10:30-11 so that is much better than the 3 am thing-ugh. Momma is very sleep deprived.  

  2. Hopefully you've got a couple days to do this. Let them stay up all night, lights on and all. As well, have them stay up all day, too. Make sure you plan a few activities with some of their favorite people that they would not want to miss. Then the next night have them stay up all night again. The next day try the same thing. By that night, your kids will be begging to go to sleep, so that they wont miss the fun stuff they couldnt do because they were so tired the day before.

  3. Ive always been like that too. Finally my mom started keeping me awake all day and by the time night came i was exaughsted.

    I know you said you tried teas.. but try camomile tea with a bit of honey in it.. helps me sleep some times.

  4. You might want to play with them and run around outside so they will burn some energy. You could also try some warm milk at night, too.

  5. I don't remember where I got it, but something called "rescue remedy" I believe. It is a natural medicine (so it should be available at natural food type stores) made for people but I actually got it thru my vet for an anxious dog. It just calms and relaxes, not knocks em out..

    Also maybe make sure they spend a lot of time outside during the day so they can play their engery off. If they are staying inside they'll just stay wound.

  6. Make sure they aren't eating too much sugar or artificial things, as that could keep them up. If you feed them at about 5 o clock and then just give them warm milk for supper, they won't be burning off that energy.

    Be very firm about them staying in bed with the lights down, not many kids will lie awake in their own bed for 4 hours. Read them a story, and then say goodnight. No getting up.

  7. No naps during the day and a stable routine at night. Dinner, some play time, dimmed lights, bath, 2 books, bed. End of discussion. No night lights, no door open, darkness only. Put a white noise machine or box fan in their rooms so they aren't hearing each other or people walking around. Ignore any crying (unless it's because someone's legitimately sick or hurt or wet) and let them cry it out. The key to a successful bedtime is doing it early enough so they're not getting a second wind and to not put up with any c**p--no drinks in bed, no getting up for extra hugs, kisses, etc. The 2 year old should be in bed with the lights out by 7 or 7:30 and your 6 year old by 8.

    Limit sugars during the day, including grain products, unless whole grains. No artificial dyes in foods (juices, fruit snacks, popsicles, etc), dessert once a day, preferably at lunch. Stay true to portions for kids. Make sure they are eating plenty of meats, dairy, and veggies throughout the day, with a bit of fruit. Diet is key to having a successful bedtime routine, as well as being consistent.  

  8. I would tell them that if they don't go to sleep, they don't get any cookies. Works like a charm.

    No, no, just kidding, that won't work. Yeah, I guess I would not let them go to sleep all day, too. And then the day after that and the day after that.... until it works.

  9. My son tried that but then I got him up super early and no matter how crabby he was I made him stay up and he got the routine. Staying up that late in so UNHEALTHY for them.

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