
Help! I Need help to become a really good volley-ball player especially with over-hand serving?

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I'm okay at volleyball but I want to make my high-school team in the fall and I need to learn how to over-hand serve really well I want to make JV varsity as a freshman but freshman team is fine two please help me!




  1. You need to strength train to work on your full body strength.  Practice the technique daily.  Serve25 balls a day at a spot on a wall in your gym to build up arm strength.

  2. just be sure to concentrate on your all around play.  if you work on just one skill and you are great at it, you arent as likely to get  a spot on the team as a person who can play pretty good at every skill.  weightlift, work on your leg muscles for good jumping, practice against a wall so that if you hold your hand out with a ball the ball barely touches the wall and throw it up and hit it against the wall to see that you are contacting the ball at the right spot when you serve.  just practice aton and give it all youve got. dont forget when you pass you have to be on your toes the whole time. follow the ball and back up your teamates when they block and hit so you can cover the dinx.  good luck i hope this helped.

  3. i learned five steps that helped me learned how to serve

    1. hold our your hand with the ball in it

    2. pull back your other arm

    3. imagine a perfect serve in your head

    4. take a deep breath

    5. toss and hit

    these steps really helped me, and i think the key to an over hand serve is to take your time when you start. dont just toss it up and go, slow down, and think about before you start. work out on some light weights and work your way up. you are going to need to have a strong arm for serving. you should be fine....i hope this helped a little!

  4. Buy at least 5 balls, set up a net (or rope) in your yard and whack them continuously. Set up a target on the other sdide of the net. Figure out what part of your hand contacts the ball first (naturally). That is how you will perfect your serve.

    A straight serve is hit with the meaty part of your hand, where the base of the thumb and the soft part below your pinky meet, just above the wrist bone (but definately on the hand, not the wrist). Every other serve is a varition from that position. The most important thing for a girl to remember is to keep the wrist tight. The wrist muscle is like a spring, and if you give it too much flex, you lose control and power. Concentrate on keeping it rigid. Don't let your hand flex back when you contact the ball. You can't control the ball with your wrist, it's too straight and boney.

    Use your index finger to point at where you want the ball to go, even though it never touches the ball (technically). When your hand follows through, after the ball has flown, your index finger should be pointing where you wanted the ball to go. As for English, spin, force, etc, those are variations on that pointing premise. A back spin, for example, will lerave you pointing at thre sideline of the opposing team (left or right, depending on which hand you use).

    If you can hit your target with a straight serve consistently, you can learn to alter it to spin the ball in different ways. The best way to learn is to hit thousands of serves and analyze what you're doing and what the result is.

    EDIT: After reading the other rsponses, I'm assuming that you are pretty good in the opther positions and are just looking for 'killer serves'. I assume that you can get the ball across the net and have some experience in front of the net (spikes, sets, etc.), and know how hand position affects ball reaction.

  5. Well you've got the determination so all you can do is practice, practice, practice.  Unless you can find a sports camp that is specific for volley-ball you are going to have to find other ways to beef up your skills.  It will all depend on how bad you want it along with whether you have natural ability for the sport or not.

  6. ya like she said. And you have to have strong arms and good abs. When you throw the ball up make sure it is not to high so you get more of a good step in to the ball. Swing hard and tell  me if that works.


  7. About the best thing you can do to become a good server is to ensure you are consistent with your tosses.  You can practice this for hours in the comfort of your own room.  Make sure that your toss (either right handed or left handed) is tossed in front of your hitting arm.  Practice throwing the ball up and make sure it's consistent.  The rest is a throwing motion and then it's practice, practice, practice.

  8. i was in your same place this year, I could only serve under hand but then my coach finally taught me to serve over hand. At practice, we had to make 10 serves before we could leave. Try starting close to the net, then serve, if it is easy for you to make your serve from there scoot back a little, continue doing this, until you get to a spot that is hard for you to serve from, remember that spot.

    Next you should hit the ball at the wall...up, not down like you're spiking. Keep doing this over and over, then when you feel like you're ready, go back to that spot that you had trouble with, and serve it. Scoot farther and farther back just like you did before.

    Everyday you should do this, it works muscles in your arms that you have never used before. If your shoulder hurts after practice that's a good thing! That means you are making progress, and trying your hardest. Best of Luck!

  9. first of all, u  have 2 have good arm strength. just by doin more push ups i've gotten lots better at serving. also, u MUST have a perfect toss. if the toss sucks the serve is gonna suck. try 2 make them consistent. try hitting it w/ the palm of ur hand-tahts the best spot. otherwise you'll end up throwing the ball more than hitting it. im doin a v-ball camp this yr w/ the hi school (im n junior hi) the coach is chad teicher or sumthin lik that so wen i learn more i'll tel u!

  10. make sure you are not week but in good shape when you surf the ball trow it up and see if you like hitting it with your hands cupped or a way you fill more confertable i am not the greatest v-ball player but my freinds aunt is a v-ball coach for varsity she has been helping me she says make sure you like to get hurt and down and durty

  11. What ever you do when you serve just dont think about messing up or the coach being next to you. Basically over think, because then you'll mess up.

  12. listen to the people who have answered before me.

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