
Help? I always feel like throwing up in the morning??

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Ok, well.

Ever since the first day of school, every morning I keep getting stomach aches, and then I feel like throwing up bigtime.

In the morning, I'm never hungry and I have a weak stomach.

But in the afternoon or later like at noon, I feel so much better and I get my appetite back.

Is this normal? :/ I'm 15, if that helps. :]




  1. I am that way when i have to wake up early. Are you worried about going to school or that something is going to happen?  

  2. Little nervous about school or something?  Sounds like you may have a case of nerves and once you actually get into the situation and realize it is nothing you and your tummy starts to settle down.  

    Try drinking some sprite or gingerale.  That might help tame the tummy.    

  3. 0im a boy but ive hate same thig since i remember, im 13, and it happeds to me almost every mornig or usally the ones when i dont eat dinner. i dont why it hapens and only once i got really scared and i actully felt like i was gunna die.

  4. You are probably just nervous??

  5. are you pregnant?or it could be a case of the nerves,try some dry toast or gingerale

  6. this could just be who u are but i would suggest eating breakfast, i know u say u have a weak stomach and dont feel like eating but this will defo help how u feel...honest.

  7. could you be pregnant?

    or - do you take vitamins first thing in the morning on an empty stomach?

  8. im 18 and i have the same thing, i get up feeling nausious, and i never do eat in the morning, also it might be because you hate waking up in the morning like me. lol so what i do is just not eat or drink when i get up.. i wait 1 hours before i eat or drink anything, sometimes i drink depends, and then like i used to eat on the bus but when i started driving to school i started stopping by timhortons and getting a medium coffee and a croissant which i ate b4 school. and if im in school and hungry then i ate sometime.. i took snacks.. being hungry and in school is a bad combo for me, i duno about you :P

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