
Help! I am Addicted!

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To candy.

And everything else that has sugar. Soda, candy, cookies, anything you can think of. I know it's really bad, especially the soda, but how can I stop? I'm afraid if I keep up the habit I will become overweight. Is their any substitute to junk food and soda?

Also, I hear soda is terrible for you, but does that mean that sparkling water and seltzer is, too?

Anyways, does anyone have any advice to stop eating this c**p?




  1. If you have no access to it, you can't eat it. Dont' keep any junk food in your house, so maybe the next time you open up the cupboard you'll choose something healthier. Trust me, I know this is a hard habit to break. You just have to be really strict with yourself. Which means no "just one more won't hurt". Don't even have ONE cookie. Or ONE soda. Because then you will just want more and more, and that habit won't break.  Hope I helped! :)

  2. I drink soda and I'm not overweight. I have a can everyday, maybe even two. You just need to know how not to go overboard. If you're constantly eating and eating junk, then yes, you could become overweight. Just make limits for yourself. If you do something, treat yourself to a piece of candy of junk food, just don't over do it.

    Good luck!


  3. i thought i was addicted to soda so i decided id quit for one month, just to see if i could cope without it

    try doing this, it might work, it did for me, and also, if you dont want to stop drinking soda, go for the diet types, ok there still bad for you, but they dont have the sugar content

    and also, sparkling water is not bad for you, sodas are only bad for you due to the chemicals/sugar they put in it, all they use to make it fizzy is carbon dioxide, which is in the air anyway so its completly safe

    the only thing i can recommend for the candy addiction is try to cut down, say if your having 3 bars a day, cut down to 2, and then after a while, cut down to one a day, one a day is perfectly reasonable, especially if your eating fruit aswell

    good luck :)

  4. Try fruit to satisify your sugar cravings!

  5. trust me, take a break from junk food and after a while you wont have any more cravings, not just that but you'll try candy and you'll realise it doesnt taste quite as good as REAL food

    im really sorry to spam but no one answered my question yet! :( can you PLEASE answer it?;...

  6. First things first, stop buying it. second thing is if you get tempted, munch on some carrots instead. and get in a habit of drinking milk. and also get some vitamin pills and eat one once a day. never eat more than one a day. go out for a daily one hour walk, jog, or run to lose some of that sugar in your body. Hope This Will Help!!! :-)

  7. Look for self discipline! Learn how not to crave for those things. Train yourself. Being overweight is not a good thing with all the health risks involved! So replace all those things with healthy food!

  8. Replace SOME of the empty calories with fruits & veggies, cheese sticks, jerky...anything with nutritive value.  Even I can get used to carrot sticks & celery if I can dip it in ranch dip (made with lite sour cream).  I can eat fresh fruit, too, when there's cream cheese dip (from the produce department).

    Selzer water is fine, and so is sparkling water.

    Keep yourself away from the candy aisle.  Don't even look.  But if you have to eat candy, eat something with nuts--nutritious.

    It's the same with me, but I have an excuse...I don't have any teeth right now, so anything crunchy is out.  But soda, and soft cakes, and breads, and potatoes, and pasta are all in.

    TX Mom

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