
Help I am allergic to small animals do anti histamines work??

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I am allergic to animals such as rabbits and Guinea pigs but I really want to work for the rspca.

Does anyone know if anti histamines work or does anyone know of anything else that might work? x




  1. In my own case I took shots for allergies.  Yes anithistamines help some, but if you seriuosly are going to be around them day in day out for long periods of time consider getting allergy shots and make sure lots of things are going into it.  Once you finish the shot series you are cured forever!  No taking pills.  Also, in my own case I used to have horrible reactions around horses.  I didnt have horses in my shot but I found out recently when petting my sister's horses that I had no reaction!  I think this means that it wasnt actually the horse I was allergic to, but all the pollens and dust and stuff that gets in their coat was setting me off.  Hope this helps sorry so long answer.  

  2. they can definitely work! go to your doctor and get prescribed a good allergy pill. i'm very allergic to anything with hair (it's the dander that causes the attacks!) and i have 2 cats and a dog at home that pills help me with. i'm too much of an animal lover to give them up :-)

  3. I used to allergic to cats, but I started getting allergy shots and now my allergies are gone. I suggest allergy shots.

  4. yip antihistamines are what u need,my wee gorl suffers bad allergies so it always handing to have some in the house,cos you can take an allergic reaction to anything at anytime

  5. Not for me. But for some people they do. Be careful because they often have side effects.

    Some antihistamines include, Clarinex, Claritin, Zyrtec and Allegra. Check this page for more info.

    A more natural way to combat your allergies is to build up your immune system so that your body doesn't react to allergens by releasing histamines. Mangosteen and Acai juice have antioxidants to help with this. Also, take vitamin C. Check out this site for more information on getting rid of allergies. By the way, I got Quercitin with Bromelain from my doctor to rid my allergies (it's listed on the page below), but haven't tried it yet. It's a natural antihistamine. I'm waiting on the Mangosteen juice I orderdered to arrive.

  6. Antihistamines can work, but I find they make me really sleepy (except for the ones with ephedrine, which make me uncomfortably jittery), so I try to avoid taking them during the day or when I have to work.

    I think whether or not working for the RSPCA is a good idea depends on exactly how allergic you are.  If you just start sneezing a lot, then Flonase or something similar can help.  There are medications for itchy eyes, too.  If you start having trouble breathing, then working there is a really bad idea.

    You might try calling them and explaining your situation, and asking if it would be possible to work only with the dogs and cats or something.

  7. Yes, they work.  The problem with antihistamines is that they switch off part of your body's immune system.  Taking them now and then is OK, but they can have side-effects if you take them long-term.  Are you sure this is your top career choice?

  8. Yes, I take a ceterizine tablet everyday and they're great. Also stop hayfever.

  9. Yes they do work but I suggest that you see your GP for advice on medication. My daughter is very allergic to certain dog, cat, rabbit, guinea pig hair. She is also very allergic to horse hair, her eyes swell up and itch and she sneezes.

    You may find that the RSPCA will not be able to recruit you as you have to rescue any type of animal in distress.

    My daughter wanted to join them but because of her allergies was unable to.

    Good luck though, best course of action is to contact them and be honest about your condition as they will check medical records.

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