
Help I am pregnant almost due and my husband tells me we are broke?

by  |  earlier

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he is very secretive about his $ we do not co-mingle our accounts

has a business but never has any $- he owns an old truck- he actually has employees

we have no savings- he is 42

he says that he is paying bills that he needs to pay - like tax bills but lies about it- and doesn't do it - I have asked to take over bills but he will not let me

we do not live extravagant- we do not own a house- nor have fancy things.

I work - but only part time - but provide great insurance, and my apartment is where we live and it is VERY inexpensive- saving us a ton of $

what do you think is going on here ? what am I missing ? I asked him are you on drugs ? gambling? have a girlfriend ?




  1. OMG! I am in the same situation...its just mis-managing husband spends money like we are rich and now I am so stressed cause I can't even take my kids to the zoo! but I asked him the same thing, if he was on drugs, gambling problems, baby mommas...IDK...

  2. Well sit him down and ask about what's going on financially so that you both can start contributing to a savings. I mean if he owns his own business he has to think about a retirement plan unless he plans on working for the rest of his life. Just tell him you wanna set up a budget and get all the finances straight so one day you can own a house and can have a bright financial future. I'm so happy I'm the person who pays the bills I would feel powerless in your situation. I mean find out what going on now before one day you are in so much debt then being married it's both your problems.  

  3. if he is willing sit down and make a bugdet . and if you re married the least you need to do is sit and talk about finances before it eats up your marriage. it sadly does for most people .  

  4. It sounds like he needs some money managing.  My husband is the same way.  Horrible with his money and never keeps track of what he spends.

  5. yup...extramarital activities

  6. maybe just a bad economy

  7. If you're married there shouldn't be any his and hers money. It should be our money.

    He's spending it (or saving it) where he doesn't want you to know. This is a very bad sign.

    Ask him to go to a debt management counselor. If he refuses, get out.

  8. Well I don't think any of us here could give you that answer.  But all of those could be possibilities.  If it is affecting your marriage you really need to sit him down and talk to him.  Straight out ask him where the money is going.  You do have a right to know.  

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